It's been a while since I've seen that. I remember people used to play "marriage" just because well. Little kids like to play pretend I met my boyfriend on emc. I mean yeah at first I thought he has attractive but my goal never was to find my boyfriend on emc
I use a Minecraft skin representing a fictional female character. I think many people assume the gender of the player is the same as their player character. *Situational Irony
I am very mixed about the subject. There are two types of people. Type One: More mature people who will not really take anything to an idiotic level Type Two: Immature people who take it beyond a comfortable level and annoy everyone. The majority of this group is 10-12 year olds where the female acts kind of derpy and the male is being a total (censored by Olaf_C). The worst part is hearing awkward pickup lines and flirting in town chat. If you do it at all, keep it in private. There are people who handle it maturely, but most of the time when I think of Minecraft dating, I want to punch something.