Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Not sure I will talk to spidey soon
  2. Yes, but this is almost identical to the system put in place in Terrione<insert country advertisement here>.
  3. MDMyers200o voted yes and Onetoad voted yes
  4. I think its safe to say that the people like to new constitution idea so if no one objects I would like to set it into law , effective at the beginning of the next month
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  5. 2014-09-17_20.57.16.png A couple of days ago some delegates from Carthaga visited us in Estona, hopefully they enjoyed it more than the weather.
    Kaizimir and devon699 like this.
  6. What cities did they visit ? :)
  7. Yeah, it was great! We had a lot of fun inspecting all the impressive buildings. But also found quite some differences to our humble home on smp4. Everybody is invited to come over and check it out on their own ;)
    See ya soon...
    rock00888 and devon699 like this.
  8. Cintinal 2014-09-21_13.20.07.png
    rock00888 likes this.
  9. masnach abandoned?
  10. Essentialy
  11. I have begun renovating the Maximus Offices into a Council meeting all with the help of Hitagain
    The new form of government is put into law today

    -New mayors / other positions will be released soon
  13. So, obviously I'll still be Mayor of Albion, but will air still be sheriff? Sorry I've been so inactive, I've been in Thailand. (Still am, as a matter of fact)
  14. whos air?
  15. XD meant to type "I".
  16. Umm... Bump?
  17. No need to bump, in other new repairs the government hall are complete
  18. Just wanted to check up on your guys, I haven't been able to get on much recently. So how is everyone :) Any progress in towns?
  19. Nah, to much fun in waste. and created some new small thing in town. disaster came back to. but thats removed/get solved i hope.
    wildbeast23 and devon699 like this.
  20. Been taking advantage of getting Glowstone and Quartz Ore while you can find it.....
    wildbeast23 and devon699 like this.