I have been invited to be part of a study. They will pay me $1000, but i will be stuck with a needle 15 times in 3 days! I HATE needles! I CANNOT stand them! What do you think? I will need to put $300 in other stuff, but that's still enough to get a nice laptop! I just can't decide. PLEEZ HELP!
Just put some headphones in, look the other way and consider the fact you are being paid $67 bucks per needle you receive. Very easy money in my opinion.
I'd do it for £100 even lol. As long as the person doing the injecting is good, you'll barely notice it; also after 3-4 you'll get used to it.
i need to add more variables So, i mite meet a girl, cuz there will be other peeps there. I just had 2 shots,and one of them wasn't done very well, so i will only be able to gt one at a time. I need to tell you y i don't like shots.
If side effects included things like: Occasionally turn into a giant green monster when angry, it could still be worth it.
I dont like shots either but if u r getting payed 1k why not just think about something else while they r doing it
when i was little, i had to go to primary children's to get an MRI. I needed an IV. They failed miserably. I'm teering up rite now just THINKING about how much pain i was in. I look at the scar now and realize that they were off, in my wrist, by about 4 milimetres. I was only 7.
Thats sad. zIf it were for a medical study then they know how to do it i promise. U could sue them if they do it wrong.
on the bright side, I would get to stay at a hotel, overcome my fears of shots, and remeber the days when I didn'tcare if I got my blood drawn.