Discussion in 'Trading' started by FDNY21, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Checked and updated original post :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  2. Bump :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  3. My Signature is fixed fendy. (Testing with this forum sorry)
  4. If you go to your profile and press the "information" tab then the signature links work in there rather than having to test here but that's perfectly fine :) Yes it does work, good job :p
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  5. might you have parts of an ICC B-day suit or maxarian shoes?
  6. All ICC B-day suit parts are in the hands of Faithcaster and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't sell but the Max shoes idek
    FDNY21 and golddigger221 like this.
  7. As Danny says, the suit (only suit) is in Faith's hands and will be for well, as long as I can think of unless he gets a crazy high offer for it :p

    I have a pair of the Maxarian Shoes but I am not looking to sell any super rares - just buying them, sorry! :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  8. Updated, now buying Labor Benches from the new promo. PM me offers :)
    Still buying/trading the rest too!
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  9. Bump.
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  10. Bump, PM me if you wish to sell a 2014 Labor Bench or trade another item! :D
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  11. Bump, buying Labor Benches for at least 10k! :D
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  12. Would you be interested in buying a 2014 independence day firework?
  13. Thanks for offering, but currently not looking for this item at this time :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  14. Bump :rolleyes:
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  15. Bump :D
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  16. I got freedom steaks I'm trading
  17. Kind offer crafter, however I am fine for these; thanks anyways! :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  18. Bump :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  19. 2014 labor benches?
  20. PM me an offer if you want to sell any, thanks :D
    NetherSpecter likes this.