[AMA / Giveaway] 2 Years on EMC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BrenJone, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Could I please have 30?
    Whats your favorite promo?
  2. My favorite promo would have to be the Maxarian Head because you can set yourself on fire and run around.
    607 likes this.
  3. Congrats on 2 years! I've always seen you on smp3 but we never really spoke, but I saw the ship and you guys did an amazing job on it!
    607 and BrenJone like this.
  4. 43 please! whats ur fav animal?
  5. Cow because moo.
    MVPdrose likes this.
  6. 4 spots left! Good luck to everyone who has entered! :D
  7. I will take 42... It is the ultimate answer.

    What is your "most" favorite memory from all of emc?
  8. 36 please, what is your favourite colour?
  9. 45 Plz! :D

    Best moment in your entire life?
  10. My most favorite moment from EMC was building the U.S.S. Arizona at LB Ind. 2014-07-12_15.59.03.png
    607 and Luckygreenbird like this.
  11. Well since I'm from Nebraska, I'll have to say red. Go Huskers!!
    BanditLM likes this.
  12. I think the best moment in my life is meeting my girlfriend.
    607 and Luckygreenbird like this.
  13. But who... will be the last one to get the last and final spot in the giveaway.