Well, that's certainly quite a "thing" indeed. Although, I can understand the reasons for their handling, when it comes to a threat to the lives of other people, they shouldn't take any chances.
False. Good luck getting paid for your cooperation. If you don't do what the cops tell you to do, they are even less nice than these guys. Granted, they are going into a building that they believe may be about to blow up. In the U.S. you do have rights, don't get me wrong, but in a situation that you are suspected of terroristic threats, those rights are basically suspended until the police feel that they have control. Their boot on your throat is usually submissive enough to give them a chance to calm down. We enjoy a lot of freedom here and this would have gone down a bit differently if this was a private home rather than some type of commercial building. Resisting or making any threatening moves in a situation like this will result in a beating and quite possibly being shot.(sound like anything happening in the news lately, has nothing to do with race in this case) The police are trained to keep shooting until you are dead once they make the decision to fire. No joke! It only takes one cop getting shot in the face during a regular traffic stop for a whole lot of officers to shoot first and ask questions later. Courts are different, in the U.S. we have due process and innocent until proven guilty, but the time to argue is not when the police are charging in with guns.
Little bit of an update: It wasn't a bomb threat. The caller called police and said that someone had shot multiple people in the building. If you want to see the full news story you can here.
Either we have rights, or we do not. The ability to "suspend rights" at a whim serves to show they do not believe in your rights. They are inalienable rights, meaning those who violate these rights act criminally. Courts often violate due process to protect other governmental entities. The guy with the gun owns you. He will most likely receive nothing unless he hires an attorney to sue for damages. Even if they 'lose' and have to pay out, where do you think the money will come from? (you and me).
I agree that there are many abuses, but I think that you are understating the serious nature of either of the crimes that have been explained as the motive for this particular 'raid'. Rarely do the police mobilize 'just for the heck of it'.
Police have been miss-using force for a while now. The riots in Ferguson are really making it obvious. Police in even small cities have been able to request grants for large military transport/vehicles, special weapons, and more. Police are also getting bad training, and there has been a huge rise in SWAT raids. Since 9-11 and events like that, there has been a GIGANTIC rise in SWAT raids. Most of these raids are drug searches, and other minor issues that do not require a raid. Videos have gotten out about SWAT team getting into homes of families for drug searches, which a police can do without brute force. The people never showed any resistance, or stopped a cop from entering before. Police have become incredibly overpowered. Continuing... Police also now have more access to military equipment. A small town with a population below 10,000 applied for a tank, and the sheriff of saginaw has a bobcat, which is actually causing road damage. One city applied for a tank because of terrorist threats at their annual pumpkin festival. Not only are they getting crazy equipment that they do not need, but they are misusing it. There are photos of unarmed men being pointed at by the police. I am from a military town, and anyone in the military will tell you that you do not put your finger on the trigger and aim your gun unless you are ready to shoot. Confronting a man is one thing, but the way the police are handling things now are absurd. I do not hate the police, but the way things are now is pretty bad. There is a lot of racial discrimination and prejudice, bad training, and abuse of citizens. We cannot expect a perfect police force, but we need improvements. The cops of the states should be not only authority figures, but role models who we should look up to. It is hard to respect authority figures who do so much wrong. Here is a video below with some information. Be warned, there is some swearing.
I don't really see any problem with what happened to be honest (didn't watch the full thing though), on the polices part. They didn't do anything abusive. Also, on the topic of militarized police... I see no problem with that either. As long as I am not getting stopped by a military helicopter for going .1 miles over the speed limit, I am fine with it. The events in Ferguson were a media catastrophe, as in, the media did a horrible portrayal. There were no problems during the day, the only problems happened at night when the morons arrived. Most of the the troublemakers came from out of town, and so the police showing during the day was to say "Hey, this is what you will find here. Stay away if you are causing trouble." And it worked. The most violence, looting, and illegal activity in general happened when the police decided to see if things had cooled off. Now that the truth is coming out and things have actually cooled down, they have toned it down. But when you are faced with an angry community, large miscommunication in every way, and especially considering the demographics of the area (crime rate, average income, literacy rate, etc.), this is was the perfect set of ingredients to cater to either a fearful public or bleeding heart public. The media completely abused (and it always does, that is its purpose) the emotions to portray this as a horrible crackdown on civil rights. The guns held by the police were a joke. I could go out to my "local" Cabelas and legally get a gun for hunting moose that is far more powerful and frightening. The armor they were wearing is to account for the fact that hunting rifles are powerful. The "tanks" (ugh, please) were just lightly armored trucks, nothing extensively military like. The protesters blocked police SUVs from dispensing police several times, and they knew that would happen beforehand, so they accounted for that. They went to the last step immediately because the several steps before the last one have proven ineffective many times before. Why try something that statistically won't work? It would be like always taking a weak painkiller when you get migraine before taking the real deal. You know it won't work, but it is traditionally the first step in dealing with pain. If you know your situation, act appropriately. The police knew that this situation was very bad, so they did what they though was necessary. And guess what, it worked as best it could too, until the rest of the country freaked out at them for it. Then they let up, and lots of bad things happen, all because appropriate action was taken away. /rant Also, I am not 100% pro-cop. I have opinions of traffic stops that I cannot and will not voice publicly, but when it comes to the very high emergency level of police, I often understand why they do the things they do.
He wasn't falsely arrested, the police had reasonable ground for the arrest. I don't think you get compensated for that. He could sue the prankster when they are found though.
If I was so much in possession of an unloaded and broken pistol I would be arrested and get a few years in prison *And yet when I join the Army Cadets I am allowed to shoot a rifle because i'm 'training'*
Didn't this kind of thing happen a few months ago with other streamers, i think their name was optic(not too sure though)? There's no footage that i can find as good as this though lol