Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. I can try and connect it up to the mainline from OakVille to Inzonio?
  2. no, dont. inzonio will cause you problems.
  3. I believe notoriouspaul is taking over wrem so just check it with him but I'm sure hel be fine with it
  4. Queendiva dosen't own Inzonio siniy if that's what your getting at.
  5. Hey, I haven't seen Queendiva cause any problems, ever. If that's what you're getting at.
  6. I don't think they've caused problems either,so be quiet.
  7. Where can i find a nucliar radiation protection suite ? before i ever enter that mine. :D
  8. Chairman elections in Maximus! Head there and cast your vote for the chairman!
    ends next Saturday NOON

  9. Hollyhillq05 and dean gave it to him, then he gave it to Estona and Volt to try to revive it from it dormancy
  10. Sounds totally convincing.:rolleyes:
  11. there was a recent issue involving the rail lines if you recall.
  12. Also if you can post it devon, estona has claimed ironwood cliffs, and the island to the south I am calling New Cuba for now. I have build multiple buildings of large size on them.
    devon699 likes this.
  13. Lol ur getting everything xD
  14. They won't be getting Neorepopolis while I'm there!
  15. Estona's not getting everywhere, we are here too...
    devon699 likes this.
  16. Yeah guys don't forget Volt!
    rock00888 likes this.
  17. I'll have kryssy add you.
  18. Disclaimer: I got none of this info from anyone I can trust (Save for one MDMyers2000).

    Breaking News!
    MDMyers2000 and devon699 have been appointed (or voted) chairm'e'n* of Estona (? - Or Maximus?).

    herocrafter2912 was Sherriff's deputy at the time, and is now Sheriff of Maximus.

    A meeting will be held in his office, and the time will be decided soon.

    *(There was a tie, therefore they will 'rule' in unison.)
  19. haha awesome
  20. is anybody upset that im duel leading with devon699 as chairmen???