[Auction/experiment] Dragon Egg [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Biscuitboy, Aug 6, 2014.


Why will people stop bidding on this item

Due to its longevity 39 vote(s) 63.9%
Due to it reaching market value 22 vote(s) 36.1%
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  1. Well I guess someone isn't getting their reward xD
    troop53no likes this.
  2. Also, I'm adding the total number of bids each player has,
    and the number of repeat bids each player has

    example where player 2 has one repeat bid (bid after him/herself)
    player 1: 5
    player 2: 10
    player 2: 15
    player 1: 20

    If there's anything else like that you guys would like me to keep track of, let me know
    (maybe cumulative total of each players valid bids, even though they won't actually pay that amount when the auction's over)
  3. 3.15k plus my deal is better than canuckshockey's :D
    troop53no likes this.
  4. 600r
  5. 3.3k
    I changed the background color of the document to make it easier to read, I probably won't update again until tomorrow
  6. 4k
    Tell me if this bid is valid or not. I'm a but confused.
  7. Your bid is valid, there was some timing confusion which lead to the bid increment increase, but yes as of late, bids are valid
  8. Wouldn't it be invalid, since he increased by 650r, and not 50r?
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  9. My bad I was thinking that his was valid because I didn't see the previous bid, the 4k is invalid
  10. Added the ability to comment/make suggestions in the document, so others may keep it semi-updated while I sleep
    Also, 3.4k (unless there is no more 50r bid increment, if so then I'm invalid and the OP needs to be changed again)
  11. 3.6k now no one else bid
  12. 3.65k
    Why wouldn't we bid?
    Biscuitboy5396 likes this.
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