[Auction/experiment] Dragon Egg [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Biscuitboy, Aug 6, 2014.


Why will people stop bidding on this item

Due to its longevity 39 vote(s) 63.9%
Due to it reaching market value 22 vote(s) 36.1%
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  1. I don't think anyone did 550... Someone check, I'm still doing the list... (Quarterstop had the valid 500 bid)
  2. I swear to god, if this goes back to 550 im done
    troop53no likes this.
  3. No one did 550. I just looked through all the posts

    so 550 I guess...
  4. He's right. . . . . . ..................
    troop53no likes this.
  5. can I just treat this post as 550r and we don't have to deal with this? I can report for an edit
  6. Screw that
  7. Yes, we'll continue, I'll just edit it in the list. As of me typing, we'll say SteamedEcko's 2.25 is good
  8. I reported my post so we don't have to deal with it
  9. By reported I mean we'll just treat it like a typo ;)
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