[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Looks epic! Can I join?
    Leopard_Knight and Kaizimir like this.
  2. Yes, you are welcome :) We made some more town plots for new members. You can find them behind the wheat harvester. You'll be the first one to choose ;)
    Scorpio528 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  3. Cool. Sadly, I am doing some Dota tournament so i'll be back in-game next week at the latest.
    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  4. Ok, we will still be there next week ;)
    Scorpio528 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  5. Kai I found a skele spawner under the the desert and I'm going to make it into a grinder

  6. I don't know I'll ask kaizimir
  7. Hey, you are welcome to join. Can you find Carthaga following the directions in the opening post?

    We are an open community and everybody can join :)
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  8. Excellent :) There is another one south of the store house. This will give us eenough bones for the other farms :D

    Btw, how did it go with the squid farm?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  9. Desert one is no more we are going to make a dif one else were

    Also Linux has two YouTube vid for the second skeleton spawner he says u can chose the one u like best image.jpg
  10. Ermm.. Crafer, can I modify your skelly grinder?`
    It seems they drown on themself a bit and they are also able to shoot me when I grinding them.
  11. Guys, I'm linuxk3 (Snugbug), I've screwed up on my account so I have to make new one. I hope you guys don't mind this.
  12. How do you mean by screwed up?
  13. How did u screw it up
  14. I wish to build a soup kitchen in central Carthaga. Is that possible? I only need a 6x6 plot for this.
    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  15. Someone griefed our minecart rail nearby nether spawn. Pleaase anyone come and repair this I don't have that much resource right now for it
  16. Heya, I am back :) It was a great time and we are world champions :D

    Ok, I check it out. I am currently in town and can repair it.

    Sure. Would you want to build it as an extension of the Inn? If not, there is some space in the southern part on the long stripe next to the historic build of caden672. I wonder what it will look like ;)

    Also, thanks for asking. Inside the town walls we need some city planning and it is good to consult with a senior member.
    Outside the walls, everybody, please feel free to build whereever and whatever you want :D

    See you gals and guys online in a min...
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  17. I repaired the damage and renewed the camouflage.

    We will not except any griefing or stealing and I informed bloodra1n about the incident. I hope they can find the griefer.
    Scorpio528 likes this.