Hey everyone! I don't know if you noticed, but we just passed 80,000 members as shown on the forums! Nice work Empire! *cough* promo please *cough*
Woot! I know people would love some new promos... but we just did so many for I Day, its a bit too early to do another one However, who says we can't have a celebratory Aikar style drop party on Tuesday when we arrive at Krysyy's house?!
And even if we did have a promo, I'd rather it be like the 60k member promos rather than these free ones.
How about a Forum-Promo. It is pretty much you giving all of the forum members a promotional 8 million rupees.
/radjust skydragonv8 8000000 Forum Promotion* (aikat changed it when tokens were released and we can give reasons too)
Yep, near same command, though it's been tweaked a bit. Nowadays we can put a note so it would say a reason instead of just "Adjusted By" =) It is quite a wonderful tool.
Oooh like purged? Like when aikar purged them semi-recently? (I had them purged because this acct is banned and it annoyed me to see rupees in it)
Yeah. The purge system did not exist during the first rupee wipe you had. Now it wipes out everything in one go (if working correctly).