Send your Empire Selfies! Win 10k

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Jul 10, 2014.

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  1. I've liked all valid entries and will be drawing the winner soon. :) Sonicol1 is the winner :D
    Hey guys,

    In order to create a special 3 year EMC video, I need as many pictures as possible of you by yourself or with others sharing your one favourite thing about EMC.

    Simply press F5 twice, taking a photo like this (which preferably revolves around your pick):

    And post with it a tagline, such as "The builds!" which will also feature in the video.

    I need at least 50 pictures, so please tell your friends, and feel free to submit more than one.

    I will draw a random entries name from and they will be awared 10k. :) So get snapping! To be eligible, 1) Use F1 when taking photos 2) Make them full screen (not desktop screenshots) 3) Make sure there is an appropriate tagline. If I like your post, it will be entered. One approved screenshot = one entry.
  2. #AmIDoingThisRight?

    Seriousness below:
    Just chillin

    EDIT: shot before guidelines were added.
    AlexChance and mba2012 like this.
  3. Does it have to be with something you made yourselves, or can it also be built by someone else?
  4. Just has to be something EMC related :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  5. Cool! Need to think about something! How about alts?
  6. That's fine :)
  7. The local bar!
    View attachment 28211
    The area of relaxation! 2014-07-10_10.52.34.png

    EDIT: The first broke as i uploaded it for some reason so added as attachment

    Attached Files:

    AlexChance likes this.
  8. 2014-06-10_18.22.27.png The Town/Residences!
    AlexChance likes this.
  9. Gotta love all the fiery death of Rainbow's Mob Arena in the background
  10. your photo didn't work
  11. Yay! I did it!
  12. 2014-03-15_19.23.52.png
    bloodra1n, deathconn and AlexChance like this.
  13. It is now XD
  14. Chilling with the bro in our man cave. Right under the MA
  15. In the hot tub with the bro in our Man Cave. Under the MA
    AlexChance likes this.
  16. Won't be accepting "duplicates" - all valid entries have been liked :)
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