Yes, but unless your structure is built out of obsidian or smooth stone, it would be easy for someone to break right through the wall, look around or rummage through any unlocked chests, then leave the same way they came in and replace the blocks they broke. You wouldn't even know they had been there. Obsidian still wouldn't be a problem if they came prepared with diamond. If they had to go through smooth stone and didn't have silk touch or smooth stone in inventory, (or hadn't found some in your chests!) then you might notice. It all depends on how smart they are. Were they prepared? Did they choose a point of entry that wasn't apparent? Did they even take anything? The only thing I'm not sure of is whether changes to chest contents are as easy to track as block changes. If it was apparent that someone griefed you and doors were lockable, then you might have a better chance of getting the perpetrator banned.
Not if there is players are around. Also, if they even took one item, I would have already reported it. You may not think it is necessary, but I am willing to pay 2k to lock my 2 doors. It gives a message telling players that I don't want them rudely entering my house. I have had incidents where players would just randomly walk into my house, and I think it is really rude. If I had my door locked, they would have to break the wood blocks, and I would see it right in front of my face, and there would be a /report. Point is, doors were lockable before, I would like if they would be lockable again. I don't care what the circumcisions are, it might not to you, not to me. It doesn't matter to me how smart they are, thats not what this conversation is about. You may think locking doors or any other item is unnecessary, but some other players would like them lockable.
Wow, I didn't think players would be brazen enough to do that right in front of your face, or if there were other players around. Which is why I phrased my thoughts the way I did. Oh boy, circumcisions! Ahem... Hey, I agree. I'm all for lockable doors. I'd probably use them too. It certainly does send a stronger message than say, just posting a sign asking people to stay out. Some people would respect that. Whereas others would go, "Phhhft!" and march right in, but might be deterred if the door was locked. Well, my thought was not that locking doors is pointless, but that if no-one is around it won't stop the person who really doesn't care about respecting your privacy. As long as they didn't steal anything, no-one was around, and they repaired the damage they caused, you would have no clue.
I don't really have anything relevant to add to this thread, I just really wanted to point out that it's hardly rude to enter a home that you find while exploring the waste or wild. I've taken refuge in a well-placed shelter, if night hits and I need a safe place to hang out until morning. To express my gratitude, I will even often leave some presents for the owner upon their return, such as a cake!
The only griefers I've ever been affected by all did it while others were around. One even gave me stuff after I watched him burn a wooden structure down. My point here is, very little griefings that occur are planned much(if at all), and it's mostly just a case of, there's a building, I'm going to burn it down/steal from it. Because of this it's unlikely that the person will have much on them. It's also quite likely that the griefer is a new player, who doesn't know the rules, or hasn't been banned yet.
i think during one of the updates they only updated things with inventory for locking. i used to have a locked door underwater that i remember randomly disappearing
Thanks for additional info. I've wondered about this, but all my experience from griefing was fairly close to spawn and occurred while I wasn't around. This is one of the reasons I moved further out into the Frontier. I like cake! How come this never happens to me? I too, have built shelters specifically left for others as a refuge, but I have come back to find them stripped of all available foodstuffs or blown asunder by creepers. I don't think wisepsn, or anyone else who would want to use a Door Lock feature is looking to leave someone "out in the cold," as it were. If I were to use this feature, it would most likely be in a specific area of a structure, or the Main Structure. I often will try to leave some sort of structure or supplies for others who might find themselves on hard times in the general vicinity.
So uh, is someone going to fix the wiki with this error, or someone fix the doors again to make them locakble?