[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Fair enough, but, the pay-to-win system that we all know and love, was the big elephant in the room.
  2. Yeah what if it was something like this:
    All Players should be Allowed to Use TNT in their res (or where they have admin flag) or Wastelands
    Players should not be Allowed to Use TNT in the Wild/Frontier.
    Kephras likes this.
  3. There'll have to be something that stops them from using TNT cannons to ka-BOOM another persons res.
  4. TNT is automatically disabled in town and on people's res if they don't have it changed already. So this isn't a problem.
  5. Maybe TNT should become a player flag...
  6. would have to be a different flag completely. currently the tnt flag JUST controls whether tnt causes damage or not on a residence
  7. Hang on I have a residence on utopia from me being a supporter so I am going to lose it and everything on it?!
  8. No one knows yet.
  9. Thank you rainbow I didn't see that post but my pc is broken at :(
  10. Hey guys! There is a Q&A on the Mojang Website.

    Thanks for all the questions you’ve sent over regarding last week’s EULA post. It’s a lively topic.
    A group of Mojangstas met this morning to discuss the most common questions we received over the weekend. The following post is the result of that discussion.
    Though we’re happy to clarify, most of these points were mentioned in last week’s explanation of the EULA. Please give it a read before diving into this more detailed Q+A.

    Are any servers exempt to the EULA?
    No. It affects all servers and players equally.
    Do server hosts have a grace period to implement changes to their servers?
    Yes. All servers must comply with the EULA by August 1st, 2014.
    Can I charge for access to my server?
    Yes. How players join a server is up to you. Single entrance fees or subscriptions are both allowed.
    How often am I allowed to charge players to access my server?
    You can charge players as regularly as you like. You can even charge for timed access if you think it’s the best way to monetise your server.
    What counts as a server? Are proxies one big server, or lots of smaller ones?
    A server is something a user connects to with their client. The user is on a different server when they leave the one they are connected to and manually join another (in the multiplayer screen). Virtual servers and proxies make no difference here, to the client it’s the same server.
    Can I charge access to a specific part of my server, such as a minigame or world?
    No, you cannot charge for any part of a server other than the initial access. Once on a server, all players must have the same gameplay privileges. You may make a different server for the user to connect to which features “premium” areas, and charge for access to that server instead, but the benefits cannot carry over to your other servers.
    So can I charge for my minigames or mods?
    Yes, so long as all players on your server have access to the features.
    Can I offer a limited trial period for all users?
    Yes. So long as both trial and paying users have access to the same gameplay features during the trial, we’re cool with it.
    Can I give paying users priority access to my server?
    Yes, but you cannot restrict gameplay elements to specific users.
    Does the EULA still apply for access to user-created mods?
    Yes. It doesn’t make a difference who made the mods, or how they were implemented onto your server. All mods require Minecraft to run. You are not allowed to charge for Minecraft features which affect gameplay.
    What do you mean by “hard currency” compared to “soft currency”?
    Hard currency is real money or anything that can be converted into real money, including Bitcoins. Soft currency is available in-game only, and has no real-world value. The restriction in the EULA only apply to hard currency; you may unlock anything with soft currency.
    Can I sell “kits” for hard currency if I provide a balanced alternative for non-paying users?
    If the “kits” contain gameplay-affecting features they are not allowed. Gameplay balance is not relevant to the EULA. If the items included in the kit are purely cosmetic, you can charge real money/hard currency.
    My server features a currency that you can earn through gameplay, but which can also be bought for hard currency. Is that OK?
    Soft currencies that are solely earned in-game are fine, but you cannot sell in-game currency for hard currency. Hybrid/dual currency systems are not allowed.
    Can I sell boosters, which provide faster gold gain, XP, or other in-game resources for hard currency?
    No – boosters, item generators, and all other features that affect gameplay are not allowed.
    So how do I make money from cosmetic items?
    You can sell cosmetic items for hard currency directly or allow players to fund an “account” specific to your server. It’s up to the host of the server to decide how this works. Remember that capes are the exception to this rule – you are not allowed to give them away or sell them.
    Can I sell ranks on my server?
    Yes. Ranks are allowed so long as any perks gained are cosmetic. Coloured names, prefixes, special hats etc. are fine.
    Can users purchase something that affects the entire server, such as a temporary XP boost?
    Yes, but everyone who can access the server must be able to use the feature, regardless of whether they purchased it or not.
    Can I award all players with a gameplay feature if I reach a donation goal within a time period
    Yes, so long as all players receive the benefit regardless of who donated then it’s OK.
    Can I charge for access to server commands?
    Yes, as long as their effects are purely cosmetic. Commands that affect gameplay, such as a command to fly, cannot be sold for hard currency.
    If all players get access to a feature such as a plot of land, can I sell access to multiple plots for hard currency?
    No – that would be a gameplay affecting change, so it’s not allowed. All player who access your server must have the same gameplay features offered to them. The same rule applies to items, such as potions.
    How should servers deal with users who have already spent hard currency on features that affect gameplay?
    Users may keep the perks they’ve paid for on the condition that the same perks are available to other players on the server. It’s up to the server host to decide how to compensate users for previous transactions.

    I only have one problem. Technically, all players can get supporter perks with in-game currency and real money. We have the Supporter Vouchers which people can buy from other people with rupees.

    Aikar, your stance?
    blehmann1 likes this.
  11. August 1st, that will be a relief
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Everyone buy supporter before then so you can access utopia! :p
  13. Yeah.

    That was cool of them to give server owners enough time to get things going. They did confirm a few things that have been brought up a lot both here and other places though, so there really are no questions as to what's up. For those who had the questions and don't want to read the whole thing:

    • IRL Currencies can't in anyway be used to buy In-Game currencies, even if you can earn it in game.
    • Extra plots/residences can't be included or sold in ranks. I though they'd let this one go. :(
    • Access to a "premium server only" has to be disconnected from bungee. They count it as the same server if you don't manually hit disconnect and connect back via the multiplayer screen.
    • You can't give perks on a premium server that carry over to other servers, so unfortunately kills the "they didn't mention databases" plan.
    I have to say, even though all these changes are pretty rough for a lot of servers, I do have to commend Mojang for being so thorough in the process and giving us the decency to at least do the Q&A as they did to clear up questions. It's hard to lose your mind when you're upset at a company sometimes, but even though they had to make an unpopular decision, they did it the correct way. Not many gaming companies would have.
    Dwight5273 and mba2012 like this.
  14. If you re-read it. It doesn't matter if these advantages can be obtained through Soft Currency (rupees); you can not purchase the benefits which come alongside Supporting with Real money.
  15. Ugh. Mojang sucks.
  16. they just fixed it to say that it can.

    which is a nice loophole! we can just say Residences can be purchased for 50 million rupees.

    also, utopia wont be disconnected from bungee, as we will still simply block access to connecting to it to only qualified members.

    the "must disconnect" means you cant loophole around a "charge for server" that free players can still access through bungee. If we still restrict free, then its complying.

    Mojang would not sue just because we gave a convenience factor. that doesnt change anything for free vs paid.
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. I'd read it again. They seem to not care about convenience - if the bungee is free to access, then all servers must be too is how it's worded.

    A server is something a user connects to with their client. The user is on a different server when they leave the one they are connected to and manually join another (in the multiplayer screen). Virtual servers and proxies make no difference here, to the client it’s the same server.
  18. "You may make a different server for the user to connect to which features “premium” areas, and charge for access to that server instead, but the benefits cannot carry over to your other servers."
    Does this mean no more vaulting on utopia?
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  19. That is Grey at best. You know how EMC works. Technically they ARE switching physical servers that would require different connect addresses. Bungee essentially does those inbetween steps for you. (Disconnecting and reconnecting manually to another listed server)

    Edit: Technically that would make Stage a part of the Server
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