Now all we need is that "Ultra Rare Card" that is near impossible to get/buy to complete the first pack.
*ahem* Hax the hax card is deployed face-down. the only way to stop it is with an AV. hack onto your opponent's computer. ON TURN ONE: The Hack takes place TURN TWO: gains control of the opponent's computer TURN THREE: ops the opponent (IF AN ADMIN TYPE CARD IS IN PLAY, THE OPPONENT LOSES HERE) TURN FOUR: executes /kill (THE OPPONENT LOSES NOW)
I have other things I SHOULD be doing, but I have most of it worked out.. I need to think of how a playing board would be designed.. but here goes some of the ground line rules: Card Types: PlayerPlayer cards are just the mass amount of player related cards created. They range in 4 groups: Diamond (1:1000) Gold (1:500) Iron (1:100) Regular (1:10) The type is mainly in reference to frequency they would be found, however they receive their designation by the current supporter type of the player upon card creation. Each tier would also be more powerful than the last, as their rarity calls for, however, it is not guaranteed that a Diamond card will always be better than a Regular card and so on. StaffThe staff cards have a rarity of 1:1500, they are all equally as rare, but not all equally powerful. With only slight per occasion distinctions, there is not much functional difference between them. However, there are 4 types of these cards: Admin Sr. Staff Dev Mod There will be some action/griefer cards that have special occurrences based on the type of staff card, however, generally they will all function the same. Action CardsRarity of Action card: 1:10 There are no real types of action cards, other than those that can be Flipped to activate, or those that MUST be activated upon placing. These are simply cards that perform their specified action. Some cards will require certain cards to be on the field before having an effect. Griefer CardsRarity of Griefer Cards: 1:10 There are no real types of griefer cards, other than those that can be Flipped to activate, or those that MUST be activated up on placing. These cards are similar to action cards, the only difference is the type of deck you are building. More details to follow. Deck Building A legal deck for play has to have a minimum of 50 cards, and a maximum of 70. Griefer Decks: A griefer deck is limited to 25 Griefer cards, 25 Action Cards, and any amount of Player cards. No staff cards are allowed in griefer decks. (Need a Name) Decks: These decks will be limited to 10 Staff cards, 30 Action cards, and any amount of Player cards. No griefer cards are allowed in these decks. Power Points Most Player/Staff moves will require Power Points to make their moves. All Move based cards (player/staff) will start with a set amount of Power Points upon placing, and they will be altered through play. Starting values: Staff: 50Players: 10 (stay tuned for gameplay rules.)
I'd like to see where this goes, if it finally means there will be a trading card game I can play with people (curse you, Pokemon and MLP...).
Well, based on the information of what you told us and the griefer card, here's what I made up. I'm not very sure why I put the resistance points in there, but maybe it could be used? As a special immunity to some cards? (Staff Cards recieving immunity from griefer cards)
Wow lol I just realized you can't read my sig so here it is: Note: The material of porphos's Useless Armor™ is currently unknown but it has been suggested that it is cement [1]. However, cement hasn't been added to vanilla Minecraft (thx for nothing Mojang!), so currently it must be assumed to be stone, diorite, or andesite.
Ooooooooo, do me plz. I could do something like bite or lick or mouse spasm. (mouse spasm would blind the opponent, on another server, I always have a mouse spasm right before I fall off a cliff when I am playing Super Smash Mobs)
Smooch, you could use this to make the cards playable for others online...