Why does max look like she got beaten up while Aikar is looking so relaxed? >.> That's kind of suspicious lol
It's not that xD Although now you mention it... But no, she didn't get beaten up I'll put link the song on the list for "Kokoro" it might make more sense after that
Been working on more little side drawings recently, oops >.< Sketching Jimbo's soon, I have a nice little pose idea Kokoro animation project is slowly being worked on, I have the first 2 parts sketches and one of which is half coloured....
Boo Note: realized was a payment thing, I will probably come back to EMC in 2-4 weeks, expect it then
How long has it been since I did a request? Actually, don't answer that.... I don't know why Im having so much trouble with Jimbo's request, I think I genuinely have a constant severe art block when drawing arms At least trying to get this done so I can move onto others
It's finished ; w ; It's finally finished ; w ; I won't be doing requests for a while, this one has literally given me Art Block