"Play Your Way" - Introducing Player Settings!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Now THIS sounds promising for the future of the server......an EPIC whine inhibitor!! Careful Aikar, as a fellow developer this could get hard to maintain if you don't keep it clean. ;) But will be VERY helpful in many situations!! I never thought of this - way to go dude. Jester approved!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Interesting... In my opinion, I think that perhaps giving some information for the difficulties setting. Ex 10 is equal to how it was before.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I would imagine 10 WILL be harder than it is currently :p When Aikar implements it - I am certain he will mention how it is comparatively.
  4. Thanks Aikar once again another great update! :D Keep em comin :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. mmmm, dunno if this is a problem
    But I typed / and then hit the tab key, and now my chat is spammed all sorts of commands; administrator or player type.
    OrangeDuck607 and ewils like this.
  6. yeah dont do that, bukkit needs to clean that up...
    ewils and Choongjae like this.
  7. Fun Fact: that apparently isn't even all the commands :p
  8. Stop breaking the server, Choongjae.
    also, the Difficulty will be so helpful for those that want to mine resources for shops without Enraged mobs being much of a problem. Just what the empire needed... Aikar/icc/the rest of the em-crew, keep up the amazing work :D
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. I look forward to the difficulty settings eagerly. My ventures into the wilderness usually result in something worth writing about :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  10. Thanks for all the hard work Aikar. I really liked all these changes but share some concerns on the individual difficulty levels without knowing too many details yet. Even if you adjust the amount of loot depending on difficulty setting I think it may introduce some imbalances. If I go into the wild to build I would just turn difficulty down to not be distracted but when doing loot hunting or mob grinding just crank it up. Feels like cheating a little bit. Not sure this will also apply to the waste but would certainly make acquiring resources easier and potentially impact economy. Are you planning on allowing to change the difficulty setting at any time as often as one likes or only once a month or whatever - the latter may help a little to not "tune" things too much depending on situation. Also - would the minimum difficulty just be what it is now?
  11. No, this change will end up rebalancing the Empire, but it is ok, its better to make more players happy.

    Lowest will be near vanilla like, so I see no harm in people harvesting resources at slightly over vanilla difficulty.

    Plus, resource mining is one of the least likely ways to run into Enraged, and def wont run into minibosses underground.
    mba2012 and cadgamer101 like this.
  12. Gotcha - I think all is good if minimum will be close to Vanilla. Tx
  13. Wonderful! Once the difficulty settings are implemented, no more dying by enraged while hollowing out a diamond vein surrounded by lava.... I was so angry I haven't gone back in a while now....
    *Got Rei's working after, so no more losing my ores due to lack of coordinates, either. ;)
    PandasEatRamen and Seniade like this.
  14. I can't get this to work. Nothing happens when I click the options. I can mouse-over and see what they are supposed to do, but clicking them does nothing.
  15. Some things I think I've seen people say is make sure touch screen is off. It for some reason breaks things. I just tried mine and they work, just have to click the setting and then click off or on.
  16. Thanks for your response but I found that the setting was "enable web-links." Now how do I turn off the stupid sounds?
  17. Which sounds? :confused: In settings you can turn down individual sounds.
  18. No It's like there's some stupid sound pack installed. It just started at 2am, all the sounds are changed to someones voice saying "footstep" and "dig, dig, dig." Some April Fools thing probably. I don't like it and it's not funny.
  19. Nvm, I looked it up xD. It's a Mojang thing.