EMC Shop Database

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by raenis, Mar 12, 2012.

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  1. Just refreshed - works perfectly now.
  2. Ok, I've created a google doc form for the voting of server icons.

    Spread the word!

    I'm certainly glad you approve of what you see, Justin!
    BloodDisciple likes this.
  3. Woooo thanks Justin (although raenis has been doing all the work lol :D)
  4. The website looks good. I have two suggestions. I would like to be able to select if I buy, sell, or buy and sell each item because there are some items that I only buy. I also want to be able to put an estimated stock for each item. Maybe where I can put that at the time I updated my shop listing that I had 12 stacks of jungle logs in stock, for example.

    What font is this?
  5. I'm planning to add the ability to choose items that you also accept for purchase in your shops, as well as some sort of stock indicator. I'm not entirely sure about how I'm going to go about the stock part yet. One suggestion was simply to add a percentage chance of having something in stock. Yours is to let you enter the exact amount you had available as of the last update. I had thought of going with the percentage idea, but simply making it a choice between three gradients of chance: low, fair, high. One way or the other, I'll be adding an ability like this sometime in the near future.

    The font? It's called "Minecrafter", and I found it on minecraftforum.net.
  6. Ok the low, fair, high system sounds like a good idea. Thanks
  7. Started working on adding the stock level indicator. It's not finished yet, but shouldn't affect anything as far as editing your shops are concerned at the moment. Got a few things to work out with it just yet. I should have it working by tonight!
  8. You should add a "Satisfaction Bar" next to the shop listings showing how satisfied customers are of the shop!
    mtp1997 likes this.
  9. I'm still considering adding this option. My only concern with it, and with adding comments to the shops is users maliciously giving low ratings or bad comments.
  10. Well I didn't say to give a bad option :) just add a tick bar that counts how many players voted that the shop is amazing. This works fine and players cannot give invalid bad ratings. You should also add a captcha so players can't make programs to vote their shop up.
  11. Ah, I see. So kinda like Facebook's "Like" button. Since there's no matching Dislike button, the only thing that can happen is have the number increase based on number of clicks. That's a possibility.

    And of course I would include some sort of IP checking or the like to prevent multiple votes from the same connection.
    thecontroller likes this.
  12. Get a list of proxy providers and the IP they use and ban those IP :)
  13. Or make user login. check with mojang server. Like when we sign up here in EMC. :)
    so people have one account. If someone is gonna spend like 199.5 euros to give himself/herself 10 more like.
    then they will probably gonna be bankrupt. lol
  14. Okidoke, I've got the stock indicators in. I'm sure they could look a little better, but for the time being they work, which is important. I'm aware of an issue on the edit pages where after an item that you do stock has its <select> option set to the value you had, the following <select> tags default to that same value until it reaches another item you stock. I'm trying to figure out what I did that makes it n00b out like that, but it doesn't specifically cause any issues since all the <select> elements are disabled for items that you don't have selected as stocked.
  15. Well, you all wanted it, so it's added in: You can now select items that you are set up to purchase from other players!

    The interface was simple to add as it was basically identical to the selling list with just a few modifications. I made the shop view pages use tabs to separate the lists of items you sell from the items you buy to keep the pages cleaner and I think it makes more sense anyway.

    Also, as I already stated above, I added in the ability to set your stock levels. You can choose between "Low", "Fair", and "High" settings, which are reflected on the shop details page as well. Don't feel like setting up stock levels? Don't worry about it! Anything that you add automatically has a default level of "Fair". I'd definitely recommend using it though, since it can give shoppers a better idea of how likely they are to find that item available in your shop. :D

    Original post also updated with this information.
  16. raenis I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but when I click to de-select an item, the stock level dropdown list says enabled. It doesn't get disabled.

    What about adding an indicator to the shop's "buy" tab that points out the items that are low in stock? Like a red exclamation point or something. That way, with just a single glance, suppliers can quickly tell what items the shop needs most and then focus their effort on getting those items.

    Also, this is nit-picky, but can you change the order of the items in the stock level dropdown? "Fair" should be in the middle, but it's on top. Right now, it's "Fair", "High", "Low". It should be like "High", "Fair", "Low".

    And the Featured Shop section on the main page is cutting off some text (at least for me). There should be a scrollbar or something.

  17. Also, I get this error whenever I save changes to my shop: :)

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/raenis/public_html/doeditshop.php on line 15
  18. If your taking a break from adding features can you make the UI more friendlier and more cleaner. You should also add moderators to the emc shop database to check if the shop is following guidelines! :D
  19. It's meant to cut off some text, if that text would overflow the container it's in, though I didn't realize that it cut it off for some of you half-way across the letters. I'll try something a little different. As for the order of the stock level drop down, I can change that easily. I hadn't noticed the drop down not becoming disabled if you unchecked the checkbox. I'll fix that ASAP.

    EDIT: Fixed the select elements staying enabled after corresponding item gets unchecked. They now become disabled again. Stock indicator is now in order of High, Fair, Low, though Fair is still the defaultSelected option.
  20. Since I haven't built any sort of admin interface to it, that would be adding new features. :p

    As for making the UI friendlier/cleaner, that's a very general comment and I can't do anything with it. Specific suggestions help more.

    I fixed that error. That probably happened when you edited your shop but still didn't have any items selected to buy.
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