[Forum Game] Keep A Word, Drop A Word!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by fireshadow52, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Not harmful
  2. Not so good to be the last man alive!
  3. Awesome to be the last man alive!
  4. Awesome to be the best dessert alive!
  5. All of the desert. All of it.
  6. Well, the word limit is actually two words, but "helper words" are permitted, such as articles and prepositions. :)
    All of the cake.
    technologygeek likes this.
  7. took a cake in the knee
  8. Took a LLAMAAAA to the knee
  9. Took a TARDIS to the knee
  10. Took CAPITAL LETTERS to the knee
  11. Took a Creeper to the knee
  12. Took a creeper to the face.
  13. (making 'took a creeper' and 'to the face' words in this one... as other wise we will be stuck in this loop forever)

    Sassy to the face

    ta da!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. No to spund mean but where? Im just courious.

    Toaster oven
  15. Face toaster
  16. toaster of doom
    technologygeek likes this.
  17. The thread started out with two words. Subsequent posts are "supposed to" replace one of the two words with another. I'm not sure how we ended up with these six-word-long posts...
    Seiche of doom.
  18. Doom the doom