Griefed again!! How do I report it?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by dresden72, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. to clarify, his base (if its the one i think it is) is literally right on the edge of the yellow zone and is surrounded by cobble. people see a cobble wall in the direction they want to go and just go through it specially when there is so many cobble and dirt things nearby. if you offered an easy path above or through (assuming its the base im thinking of) you wouldnt get broken into so often
    607 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. to be clear this is the one im talking about:

  3. Nope, not ours! :p You can't see ours from the teleporter.
  4. I don't know where that is but the wall looks legit! Just guessing but it looks to be 4 to 5 thick! nice
  5. Griefed AGAIN! This time they stole 3 DC of enchanted bows, stacks of iron, gold, leather and other stuff

    /report doesn't work because it needs a name: /report [Player] [Reason] I don't have a name... Now I am pissed, this is why we put a wall around it. :mad:
  6. You can PM a moderator your report.
    607, dresden72 and FDNY21 like this.
  7. okay, PM me with as many details as you can, including the coords and list of damage done, and I will look into it for you :)
    *EDIT* Great minds jack -_-
  8. No need to post about it in a thread - add moderators/sr staff to a conversation (maybe a couple from each) and tell them the full details. As much as you know, what they stole/griefed, who it may be and why, what time it happened, where it was, what you know really.

    Hope this helps.
    dresden72 likes this.
  9. FDNY21 and dresden72 like this.
  10. kool aid guy.jpg
    PandasEatRamen, dresden72 and FDNY21 like this.
  11. JackBiggin likes this.