I'd chew them up and spit them out to be quite honest. Oh, and just threaten to leave the school if it isn't solved (for if you talk to vice principal/principal) That usually works. ;3
As an American, if we had a teacher doing what your telling us we could get her fired. I recommend first go talking to your office or counselor. Try telling them that it seems like teacher is not putting your grades in on time, and that you might fail because of this. When you go to them try to have proof of what your talking about like asking your friends that have the same problems to vouch for you, or better yet the most trustworthy person in the class (teachers pet). In my school we have a program that updates are grades every week, so I know what my grades are. In the past something like this happened to my friend, he took pictures of his homework, which where completed, got five other people to vouch for him, and than when to his counselor for help. Before he did all of that though he tried talking to the teacher after class when no one else was in the room, he asked "(Teachers Name) I fell like I'm getting graded unfairly, I'm doing the homework , yet I might be failing because the grades say i'm not. Is their something that i'm doing wrong?" Now the teacher replied to him saying that she was treating him unfairly, however he also had his iphone set to video mod so he was able to record there conversation. Adults will not believe a student if they say, "This teacher is cause me to fail." I recommend not say, "she has no emotions, no feeling, no nothing." you'd more than likely get ignored because of saying that. If you are able to show proof, people will be more likely to believe everything. The last thing is make sure the teacher didn't move your project on purpose to keep it out of other kids hand, not know the age group, a kid taking someone else project when they didn't do it is not that uncommon, and is considered plagiarism, which were I live has some harsh punishments. This happened to me before, and I found out my project was turned in by someone in another class. The next big thing is don't let this go unnoticed, if one teacher doesn't listen try talking to another, don't give up. If all the teachers don't do nothing, the next thing is getting your parents to believe, show your parents the homework, and if it become that bad don't fell afraid to start showing how upset you are. This could be not eating, and just staring at the dinner table, looking like you looking off into the distance thinking about something, and if worst don't be afraid to have an episode while your just with your parents. If they weren't really paying attention before they will now. Hope that helps gebeli.
My teachers just put the grades in right in front of you. It's common core, so all they do is look to see if you had work on your paper, then they'll enter in 100% without even thinking.
Story #1: I wasn't always a good kid at school. I'm basically a stand-up guy. However, I had rebel friends. When I was aprox 10-11?, my friends and I we left school grounds during lunch hour and went to the shop for drinks and pies (no big deal right?). When we got back, the principal asked to see us. Having been informed we left school grounds, he decided to jump at the last chance to use the cane (long thin hardwood stick, ideal for inflicting pain on bare skin). Unknown to us, the 'cane' punishment had been made illegal in NZ schools, and the law would come into effect in 5 days. My two friends received their punishment immediately, however, I refused to submit to the physical punishment. Either he was too tired to punish me that day, or my threats of taking this to the board and parents and teachers association were enough to back him down. The next day, having informed my mother (who was a longtime teacher, and on the schools PTA), she made some phone calls, and came to the school the next day to supervise our principal being immediately suspended, pending investigation by the school board. Story #2: When I was aprox 14, I had an aging math teacher. She was nice enough, but her mind was not as sharp as it once was, and she took issue with students correcting her answers. Unfortunately, I've never been one to stand by and allow incorrect information to be taught to students. I was not intentionally mean or disrespectful, I did my best to respectfully explain the correct answer and working for the daily math quiz. She fought it every day, saying I was wrong, she was right. One day she simply told me to leave class. I sat for a while outside in the sun, contemplating if I had made the right decision in pursuing my choice of raising my concerns that the answers were incorrect on the few days she was wrong. After 15mins or so (I forget), I decided to go speak to the Principal, and explain the problem. The principal was quiet, and looked somewhat sad. He said he'd sort it out. We started receiving a substitute teacher after that, and I learned our math teacher had been asked to retire with a generous 'golden handshake' and much ceremony from the faculty for her many years of fantastic teaching. The principal never explained anything to me, and I felt bad that all this was because of me. My mother, who again, was on the PTA of my high school explained to me that the teacher had a few complaints from students and staff, and that she was due to retire at the end of the year anyway. They just moved up her retirement date due to her failing health etc, etc. I guess I didn't feel so bad then. Knowing that I hadn't caused what was going to happen in a few more months anyway. Story #3: Again, back when I was aprox 10 (before the cane incident), we had a very boisterous teacher. And one student with serious home-life issues, who definitely crossed the line with the teacher on a few occasions. (swearing, offensive degrading comments). He spent a lot of time in the principals office, but it didn't change him. One day, the teacher just flipped, he grabbed this kid by the hair and literally hauled him over his desk. Every student was just stunned by this sudden shocking display. The student, obviously in great pain, grabbed at the teachers arm, and kicked out. Several students screamed out for the teacher to let the kid go. Suddenly the teacher from the next classroom over burst in, and grabbed our teacher, telling him to release the student. Three of us went to try and restrain the student, he was wild with anger. We could hardly hold him, I swear he'd have beat the teacher to death if he could. I remember looking in his eyes, and there was nothing there, he was feral. The teacher was suspended for physically accosting a student. The student was suspended for failing to alter his behavior after endless attempts by the school to help him. Story #4: When I was aprox 16-17, I had a wonderful math teacher. She was the kindest, gentlest, and creatively intelligent math teacher I ever had. She was also very easily hurt by teasing and insults from students. A small group of boys took advantage of this and misbehaved, teasing her endlessly every class. I don't know why she never had them removed from class, or sent to detention, I guess she just had too big a heart, and wanted to change their behavior with kindness. It didn't work out. One day she just burst into tears and ran from the class. I was furious (I might have had a small crush on teacher too. ). I really really wanted to beat the crap out of those kids right there and then, I wanted them to feel her pain 10x over. But the the bell went and we all left class. I went to see the Principal about it, mostly to ask if teacher was ok, and that it was all the fault of those kids. After some investigation, the kids were temporarily suspended from school, and the teacher returned part time. Now, due to the way our school was putting students into classes based on their ability, I was one of the brighter students for that grade. So teacher asked me to teach her year 1 class for their last 4 weeks, she thought it'd be good for me, as I'd already completed the years syllabus anyway. I was glad she was back, and I wanted to help, so I did. I have no idea the relevance of those stories. Just got me thinking of lame stuff that happened with teachers while I was at school.
My Friend Had The Same situation and he didnt complain but didnt go to any detentions and didnt attend any punishments he was given all because his english teture lost his homework and the teacher eventully reported him to our headmaster and everyone who was with him when he gave it in went to his office and we all filled in a statement and sheis now on suspention and can face losing her job
Did you tell your parents about this? I think you should explain your concern to your parents and also to people at your school. You explained it to us very well, so do the same at your school. It's totally understandable that you are worried about this affecting your future. For a teacher to lose your assignments is totally unacceptable and you should not be held responsible for that. By telling the principal of your school you are not unfairly "accusing", you are rightfully protecting yourself. It is necessary to do so. In order to succeed in this world you must be willing to stand up for yourself. Make sure this situation gets fixed.
When I was in the school they weren't allowed to do this or even have us grade each other's papers because they didn't want us to see other students' grades. When they marked them in the book and showed us, they put paper over the other grades and just showed us our own. When it was on the computer we walked up, the teacher whispered it unless we gave them permission to say it out loud. When it came to grading we had to turn it in and the teacher grade it, then they would fold them over and pass them back out when done. It's to keep people from seeing your grade and making fun, making people feel crappy that they're not doing so well. Also, when it came to grading someone else's paper, everyone always traded with their friends and could cheat, this also just causes more issue if something is marked wrong but is actually correct. Gabeli, When I was in High School our Requirement to graduate was to complete our writing portfolio. Did fine with it until senior year, when my teacher nearly failed my English class because we had done everything we were supposed to, she just was taking her time on turning them in and it was extremely close to the deadline. I said something to my mom, who went to the principal and she called us all into her office to talk. Needless to say our portfolios were suddenly super important and we passed. Sometimes all it takes is talking to someone else and things will work out.
I would definitely request an interview with your parents and some form of student services/year coordinator, also as just_five said, duplicating your work sounds like a really good idea.
Think of it this way, if you do not tell school officials you will fail and it will go down on your school record. There is no such thing as accusing if you have high suspicions that she is losing it. Its not her future on the line its yours if you fail and have to retake the class. I had a teacher once that kept losing my work and said i wasnt doing it, I went to the principal to talk about it.(if i got an F that year I would pretty much be screwed on my scholarships). They investigated and come to find out she was reading only my first name and thinking it was another Britney in her class. Pretty much this girl with the same first name as me was getting my grade and my papers back that had been graded. My friend was named Austin and there was about 8 Austins in my graduating class and she kept getting papers mixed up and putting the wrong Austins grades in another Austins grade, so something like that could be happening xD She may not be losing your homework, but if you are sure you're turning it in and not getting grades back then something is going on and it needs to be fixed.