Over the years, players have been wondering about the origin of the well-known moderator called chickeneer. But today, we have the answer. "Why?" Because why not?
I don't really know what to think about that xD Edit: Apart from the fact the chicken translations made me laugh way too much...
Based on the title and the author, I thought this would literally be footage taken from behind chickeneer's back.
*clap clap* I must ask, what did you use for the constant explosion particles when the machine was malfunctioning? Butnice video! It haseth inspired me to begin working on machinamas again. ^.^
Haha, too funny, I always wondered how he got the head of a chicken. My only criticism is that there was a serious lack of melon.
Commands blocks on repeat with /particle. Every video I make is done with vanilla MC mechanics. Including disguising as a chicken, if anyone can find out how it was done.