Timeline, Giveaway and AMA!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. 34, If you could be anything you want, what would it be? :3 and congratzz mang
  2. Number 26 please :)
  3. 43 please what made you come ip with your username Faithcaster? :)
  4. 35 plz :D. What server is the one you don't like?
  5. Why must melons and Steaks fear my presences?

    may i have 12..
  6. 49 please, congrats!
  7. What did you see when your eyes were opened? 25, please.

    I've had a few malls now, but i guess you're refering to 1515?
    If that's so, i think it failed because we created it at a time; where PTHagaard was ruling SMP1 with hes 1783, we didn't get many customers and made almost no profit, so i call that failed.

    The Community! :cool:

    The Community! :cool:

    The first time i used this username was in World of Warcraft. I bought the game in around 2005, and made a priest named Faithcaster. Makes sense us priestes throwing Faith, aye?

    The most scared question, anyways, i promised it was Ask Me ANYTHING so here's a list:
    shop_3939 (share account with robotfleem)

    Why not?
    I'd redo everything cause #yolo.

    Wouldn't redo anything, no regrets only stuff to change <3!

    Sure thing =)
    What was your winner number as you won the 1,000,000R?

    Shrek 1!

    792 times every day..

    Lets just say my greatest redstone masterpiece is a door.

    Aww yish, it'll open as i finish my school and take my 1 year sabbatical

    Turning anything into potatoes that's formed like .d!

    a fighter Pilot or IcecreamCow's baby cow.

    The first time i used this username was in World of Warcraft. I bought the game in around 2005, and made a priest named Faithcaster. Makes sense us priestes throwing Faith, aye?

    Like EMC servers?
    I think they're all good, but some of them are just pyramids with mob heads on..?

    Choongjae, Gadget_AD and Alyattayla like this.
  9. 39 please :) what was the hardest creation you built here on EMC?
  10. 78 <3
  11. LOL :D What about a light?
    queendiva1 and Faithcaster like this.
  12. 45 please

    Who is your favorite marvel super hero? DC comics?
  13. 23 please and who's your favorite member of the staff (all is an acceptable answer)
  14. Great story! I choose the number 6!

    What is the one thing you remember the best from you're time on EMC?
  15. can i have 1 please :D
    cutejuliew likes this.
  16. 38 Congrats!!! Meow?
  17. 29. What is your favorite business that you have run?