A Tribute to nick5013

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olaf_C, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. English:

    Today, we have lost someone important to us. nick5013 was known for being the king of melons and bringing joy to the empire with his humor and very pretty face. Today, on my one year empire anniversary, we had to say goodbye to this wonderful person.

    When nick was new, he was a clown skin. His first thread was an auction and the first thread he saw was by stads. He quickly fit in to the server and became loved by everyone

    Not until later in his server life he started did he start loving melons. In the time he was on he built a melon empire.

    He will live on in our dreams hiding under our beds.

    Please do not turn this thread into a debate thread. nick5013 has this reasons for leaving and they are personal. Please only use this thread as tribute.

    There was a reason he left and they will be reading this, please do not feel guilty. it was not your fault. you did nothing wrong.

    Mods, if this thread is illegal feel free to close it. I am not trying to start a flame war, i am paying tribute to a friend.

    Сегодня мы потеряли кого-то важно для нас . nick5013 был известен как царь дынь и радуя империи с его юмором и очень красивое лицо . Сегодня , на мой империи летию одного года , нам пришлось попрощаться с этой замечательной личности.

    Когда Ник был новым, он был клоуном кожи . Его первый поток был аукцион и первый поток он увидел, было по Stads . Он быстро влился в к серверу и стал любили все

    Не позднее в его сервера жизни он не начал он начал любящие дыни. В то время он был на он построил дыни империю .

    Он будет жить в наших снах , скрывающихся под нашими кроватями .

    Пожалуйста, не включайте эту тему в дискуссии резьбой . nick5013 имеет этот причин ухода , и они являются личными . Пожалуйста, используйте только этот поток в качестве дани .

    Был повод он ушел, и они будут читать это , пожалуйста, не чувствовать себя виноватым. это не ваша вина . Вы не сделали ничего плохого .

    Моды , если этот поток является незаконным , не стесняйтесь , чтобы закрыть его . Я не пытаюсь начать войну пламени , я отдавая дань другу .

  2. Here is to nick5013. I am not sure why he left, and I know we will all wonder, but he was an asset to the community, and I will miss him and his melons very much. Farewell to nick, and stay safe.
    Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and Olaf_C like this.
  3. He will be dearly missed, as he was the best melon man I knew
    Equinox_Boss, FDNY21 and Olaf_C like this.
  4. 2013-12-21_15.54.04.png
    I will remeber when he murder us in his server playing TTT minecraft style :D.
  5. T^T I didn't get a chance to tell him he's pretty yesterday. I'm glad brit did though. He was the prettiest of them all.
  6. wait
    he left?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. DAMN IT. Everyone is leaving.
    Equinox_Boss and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  8. If this is true, I am saddened. Nick was a very unique member of our community. There was nobody like him, and his head and skin is probably the most iconic and well-known on EMC. His sense of humor was dead on, every single time.

    If you're in contact with Nick, please send him my regards.
  9. I have one last asset to share that I found.
  10. melon lovers everywhere will mourn this great loss. :(
  11. Never again will someone so pretty wander the halls of EMC. Or have as many melons. Goodbye Nick.
    cutejuliew, Equinox_Boss and Olaf_C like this.
  12. I had to go dig this up, cause I did it forever ago. But he's in the window.
  13. I will miss nick very much... But I hope his new life is better than it was here!
  14. Seriously
    He left?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. It was sad it had to be this way, but he has his choices, and we have ours.
    I will miss our 3+ hours skype sessions :(
  16. If this is true I am deeply saddened as I have a feeling of why he left... I hope that everyone remembers that smile forever. :(
  17. Was I the only one who thought this was a grieving thread for his death?
  18. He did not die irl but he is no longer with us.
    Equinox_Boss and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  19. Is this another one of Nick's prank threads ?
  20. Never thought I would say it quite like this.. but I hope it is.
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