Spy Recruitment: GSA 2.0

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Olaf_C, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Rainbowchin summed it up. I said to ask questions via PM so nobody give's themselves away. Also, I prefer to not have banned players.

    I want to point a few things out.

    • this is a volunteer position. You are not promised pay or not a lot at least. If i payed everyone 1k it would cost me 27k
    • There is no forum spy. Since players can hide their activity I can take care of that.
    • do not use alts to apply.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  2. Bump. The award may or may not continue. I will try to have it but act as if it is certainly going on. Accepting applications again.
  3. Bump. Forum spies can apply via private message.
  4. Right now I still need more applications. Orebusters have become too expensive so I am going to have 2012 empire fireworks instead.
  5. Bump. I decided I only need two spies for each server. If I have not decided who yet (I have chose three people so far). I will accept applications until the end of the month. This means I will have 20 (instead of 27) spies :).

    Here is a quick status update of what is going on with the award
    1. I decided not to give orebusters out as prizes. They were just too expensive. In the time I had them their value went up 20k rupees so I made some money which will be put towards the grand prize. The per smp prize will be a 2012 empire firework.
    2. I am trying to bump up the grand prize to 640k (because i like that number). I am getting lots of money in but the award is delayed until summer anyways (more people playing).
    3. I am no longer accepting donations. Thanks to this wonderful community I have received over 200000r in donations. I plan to save up the rest of the money by myself.
    4. I am kind of worried about the turn out this year. I am not expecting the award to make the front page again since Aikar is currently using the front page purely for empire related announcements. I will need you guys to help keep the thread bumped one the award comes out. If the award does make it on the front page again, there is no need to worry.
    Thank you to everyone for their support and lets make this a great year for the award!

    EDIT: There is now a forum spy option. I will need two.
    brickstrike and FDNY21 like this.
  6. Thanks for the update Olaf!
    Olaf_C likes this.
  7. You are welcome. Thank you for showing interest in the award :).
  8. I didn't apply but just as a general question, when will the spies be announced?
    I'm guessing some people are wondering if they will be accepted.
    I probably already missed a really obvious post that says this but hey :D
  9. I will announce by the end of this month. The process I have is similar to that of the process when applying for mod. I will look at some or their post history and stalk observe them in game (chat wise on my alt). It is a VERY tedious process.
  10. I am just curious . . . what criteria do you use to judge for the winner of the contest. I do not intend to spy or to win the contest, but just wondering. Maybe supplying a little more information might help attract people to your activity.
  11. It is no set idea but it is basically these criteria:
    1. The person is very happy and cheerful
    2. active community member
    3. Donates a lot of money
    4. donates time
    5. helps the community with the own project (not just all donations)
    Also, I made life a little bit easier by embedding the code. You do not even have to leave the page!
  12. I added one more option. Late night bump.
  13. Another bump.
  14. So if I opted in as a Spy, I would not be the top of the list of choices :p??
  15. A spy has a spy on them ;D
  16. That will be for the spies to decide :p.


    I want to point something out if you want to become a spy but want to have the chance of becoming a nominee.

    Last year I had a total of nine spies (one per server). Last year several of the spies were recommended for the award by players. Spies could not opt out due to the fact that I had so little spies. This year if a player is recommended by at least 3 players, they have the choice to opt out if they want and to become a nominee.
  17. Sadly, i was banned for the poor choices I have made in this last week. I am sorry I have let you all down, but since i am banned the award cannot happen. I am very sorry I disappointed you all.

    Staff, I wan to let you know this is not ban evasion. I had aikar's permission to post on this matter. Please lock this thread

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