Request alliance in return for some bonite. Bonite can be used to make a powerful weapon, porphyrian's bone.
Study's the effect of frigid temperatures of porphiran mountains on flying objects: discovers that it is impossible to fly any ship over the mountains. also learns that it condenses gases heavier than chlorine to liquids
Excuse moi, porphyrian, this isn't 1st person, at least I thought... Also, porphos, it seems you're instantly higher in research and technology then us. Remember, you have to research the things you need, whilst it doesn't need to be petty things like small spaceships, but just remember that. The Battle Jets are currently being tested on. Durability, power, and manuverment. Each jet carries approximentely 60 large pressurized gas cannisters. Excluding the loaded ones, as of course. Spud begins research on PE. Potato Energy. Whilst potatoes already power Spud's citizens' houses, that electricity is not strong enough to power spaceships. Spaceship Curiosus required fuel, and of course, fuel isn't that common. PE will solve that problem. More information will be displayed soon.
Sends out triple defensive alliance request to Porphira and Pan to defend against the threat of the Hive. This alliance will be a mix of defensive planning and weapons gathering, ore mining, and building of new defensive weapons.
Commurev begins researching the strange powerful gas erupting from the volano in the southern hemisphere of the planet. A possible atomic energy source our scientists think.
sry I just thought that since my military was completely reliant on nuclear energy that it would be ok sends alliance request Agrees to help defend on the terms that you defend porphira as well
A mysterious message comes to all planets on radio waves. The message reads: _ A _ E ......._ A I _ _ _ _ E ......_ I _ E ....... _ I _ _......... _U_ _ I _ E
Agrees on the condition that a trade pact be made as well. The Mission Control is complete. It is known as Central from here on, most reports will be from Central on Pan. In other news, the mining process has been going well and some infused material has been found there. It is being studied upon.
Cryptologists have found that radiowaves were sent on a line only permitting vowels. As seen in the message
(7 posts are up) The gasses have been successfully weaponized and are being outfitted into missiles and other weapons as we speak. We have also begun a scouting mission to other planets in the solar system since we have been bound to this planet for so long. (8 posts) Why resist when you can become a part of The Hive and live in eternal peace under our command?
Commurev lives up to its reputation of being loyal to its alliance. The Pan, Commurev, Porphira Pact.