Good on you buddy! I don't want to D: Good question! I remember it being really good! Smp7 was especially small over 550 days ago (My alt). This is where I met one of my closest internet buddies possible, Qw3rtyMast3r. We did all these things, in a few days time I also met one of the nicest people, Alyattayla It was an amazing first day![ I love pie! I just can't really eat it as not healthy D: buddy!I might give flags to a select few for my 8 residences If you wanted one I could give one to you I am constructing a castle right as we speak. This will be my storage, and where I come on relax, and work on it when I do come on I should login every 30 days, if not I will vote Keep up the questions! Loving them so far
13 please. You never got to finish terraforming my res. ;-; It's sad to see you go, I just wish we had more time to do stuff together more often.
Have fun, my dad is about to end his career from being in the NAVY. 20 Years :/ I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
23, I'm going to miss you on the forums and online :/ Keep safe What branch of military are you going into? I plan on K9 unit
As a fellow Aussie, I wish you all the best in the military. Our country has the highest standard military in the world. What makes you want to join the military? 75 please
That's awesome! Good on you! I my self am going into the ground forces, Army. From there I hope to get into the SAS, and be the best there is. It's what I feel I need to do. Thanks for the Question! Thanks for the question, It's a good one! There are quite a few things going through my head. One is the adrenaline rush it gives, It's quite a good lifestyle in the Military, have to be fit and exercise a lot which is always good! Trying to kill people who can just as easily kill you, now thats the fun of it! I also want to help serve my country! I personally want to kill. This is not a bad thing, I only want to kill the enemies, none the less it is kind of brutal, but same theory as basketball, aim is to score, same thing in special forces, although a lot is about secrecy and reconassiance Also I want to be a Sniper, this is where it's at baby!
ok. good. I once worked in an office sitting next to a former leader of a sniper group of the Israeli army.