Hey everyone! Big News! I have ordered wings from Pizza Hut! Okay! Okay! The news is, afterwards, when I'm done enjoying my foods, I'm going to hold some ICC events! It will at the very least start in the Mob Arena. Not sure if we'll go past that or not, but there will be prizes from the prize list forum! The main question that will be asked..."When will it start" Answer is: Later, when I'm done eating and maybe watching a few shows while I eat. Just know, it will be in the next few hours. See you then.
I think the prize should be that you order some chicken wings to be delivered to our house, free of charge
..I actually clicked on this because it looked like a link to somewhere. Ah well, I'll find amusement somewhere else
First thing is first: We must no the details on the wings! Were they good? What Flavor? Spicy or Not-Spicy?