Award Ceremony: Aniyuma - The Legend of the Dragon Trio

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Hasorko, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. ~.~ Cheap excuses!
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  2. bah... i have prior engagements.
  3. no u have wrong priorities :p
    amadai likes this.
  4. while your argument may be valid, your attempts to sway me are thwarted.
    ditilwick likes this.
  5. Maybe hes from Japan there thaey have school every day except sunday.(CRAZY)
  6. Um i think I have wrong priorities to if I plan to do things in the REAL WORLD hint hint.
  7. Finally! Something that doesn't happen on a school day! :) :) :) (i wish i noticed this earlier). I'm eastern timezone, and if at least one person guesses what state i live in, everyone's going to run very fast ( splash potions anybody? ) lol
  8. By the way, how do you become a moderator on this server... how do most people become admins and moderators??? Thanks for the help in advance...
  9. Hi there Knifemaker,

    I also hope u can attend :). But please if you have questions always try to find a post, in which they fit or do a new post. Also use the edit function if you want to say more but nobody answered yet.

    To become moderator there is an application you have to fill out. To actually be choosen however you really have to fit what they are looking for. You need lots of expierience. You should know answers on any question regarding mc/ Emc. I advise you to get more familiar with EMC. If you brwose the forum really often you will soon know every tweak and by then you might be far enough to apply is moderator.

    Admins how ever are only Jeremy and Justin. And this will only change I guess if they need somebody to help them with the server. This however wasn't the case yet.

    Greetz Hasorko
  10. What if EMC had its own time??? If it went off of it being 6:00 right now and stayed that way we could all just go off of EMC time, which we could check with /time and it would be posted on the forums... How awesome would that be... It would make everything a lot easier... Like if you think its a good idea...
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  11. Already had that idea ... So yeah its a good idea of mine...
  12. am i the only one who noticed no one would agree on what timezone to use?

    Edit: maybe we make our own...
  13. It should all be based around GMT as to be fair, That is +0
  14. That sounds good. Now lets get back on topic.
  15. I was thinking we should have a community vote on a forum only for it... and vote just like the wild being reset...
  16. Good idea...
  17. Sorry i thought it said friday at first lol
  18. Yay perfect timing! After I eat I can watch House before I go on EMC!!!! Go Pacific time
  19. what about for western australian players?
  20. ISMOOCH = Dia supp? y u no mod anymore??