[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Going out of the game here, but Demon.... The rule was no OP stuff, mutated machine gun frogs that practically can't die is a tad OP
    princebee and brickstrike like this.
  2. Froglandia uses it decoy ship filled with super explosive stuff to ram into your fleet destroying 50 vessels and disabling 5
  3. They can die pretty easy and the machine guns dont to to much damage. Just a melle weapon that has to reload a lot
  4. out of caracter: dude you use way to much OP stuff
    in caratar: Hollandia retrieves there ships behind the fore field that protect the planed and thereby stop Fromlandia from damagin the vleet
  5. The ships that are on the way found a lone ship floating through the sky, inside the ship were dead frogs.
  6. yeah I guess some stuff was to op. Froglandia decides that now that it only has 5 ships left, to return to the planet of Froglanida
  7. The dark missile has fired and reaches froglandia destroying almost 75% of everything on the planet and 3/4 of the planet itself. Grace prepares to fire dark matter rockets at the remaining parts of the planet which will cause black holes to form.
  8. The ships arrive just in time to see the frogs leaving, they open fire and damage one of the ships.
  9. Whoa whoa whoa. Thats a bit to OP man
  10. Hollandia makes a call to all planeds to think of a treaty to prevent any wars with Froglandia ['' when Froglandia atacks any planet there will be a bigger war than just Froglandia and the planet atacked], this means if you sign this treaty when Froglandia atacks whe all fight back as like youre own planet has been atacked
  11. Fishletse signs the treaty
  12. Not really I've been in this game since April so I had plenty of materials. Plus you attacked hollandia without a reason. Though this game is called war of the planets, it doesn't mean you can do that. Grace backs down its rockets and prepares a restoration spell to be cast on froglandia if peace is made.
  13. Froglandia decides to have a treaty with the other planets and sends a ship to Hollandia and all the others
  14. Hollandia denise the ship and orders it to go back, ''whe do not trust the frogs anymore, if you want to gain our trust you have to do more than this''
  15. Grace casts the restoration spell on froglandia restoring all of the planet destroyed and half of the facilities. The battle ships are redirected to an unknown location.
  16. The frog ship is rejected and sent back to Froglandia
  17. Froglandia just blows up the ship sent to Hollandia then.
    The general frog (Me), plants a random plant he found somewhere and grows it in the ground. Moments later a type of weird metal sprouts from it. Froglandia starts to gather tons of metal to make a very strong armor for the ships and Frogs
  18. first of all i denied youre ship, means it was returned out of my airspace, so it wasnt able to damage anything expect his own ship, I feel sorry for the people on the ship that died. *salutes*

    EDIT: still not OP with a random flower that gives Very Strong metal?
  19. Froglandia sends 500 tons of the cool metal to Hollandia just to be nice
  20. Hollandia acepts but searches the crates wich it was send in first, the search has brought that there are no explosive materials on the crates and the metal isnt instable so it want explode