Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. 'tis broken!
    HeyitsCourtney likes this.
  2. Better?
  3. Neat. About where would a place like that be?
  4. Here's another pic of me, though I am not sure why I am on this child.....

    Here's when I was younger still not sure why I was on this child.....

    Olaf_C, jlopez24, Yukon1200 and 3 others like this.
  5. That's in California's Antelope Valley. It's a little place called Neenach that's about to be wiped out to create a new housing community :(

    Kinda looks like we're taking a break before heading off to meet the Wizard of Oz :D
    oidking and vividOptimism like this.
  6. Dr who is my god.
  7. Who's been your favorite doctor so far?
  8. Matt smith+Karen gillian=awesome. Rory. go die :3 But i have a pic of The Dr and Amy in the tardis signed by both of them :D
  9. Once you see the adult with the childs knee you cannot unsee.


    That freaked me out until I realised it was your daughters!
    margaritte likes this.
  10. That's pretty cool, I use to watch them from time to time when there was nothing else on:)
  11. You are evil.

    Well done. Luckily, I wasn't using headphones, but I did have my speakers maxed. My fam came running in to see what had happened to me. :eek:
    HeyitsCourtney likes this.
  12. Scared the heck out of me, Even had my speakers low.
    HeyitsCourtney likes this.
  13. Btw Margaritte, I noticed your little signature.

    I tried to build a bridge like that once over the little river between the wilderness spawn and the swamp.

    It got filled in with dirt and the steps got torn down in just 24 hrs.

    I also built a small tree farm just outside of the safety area for those who might need some quick wood before heading into the wild (complete with creeper trap-pit, fencing/gate, and a chest w/ hatchet).

    It got smashed to pieces in 24 hrs as well.

    Lastly, I helped to build a nice little community house w/ furnaces, hidden chest, greenhouse, and several small townhomes for weary travelers.

    It was all completely demolished in just 12 hrs

    Thus, I've come to the conclusion that if I ever want to build something of consequence in the wild again, it's gotta be buried at least 20 blocks under the ocean floor, preferably with the last few blocks filled with lava.
    oidking and margaritte like this.
  14. Didn't they establish, like what was it, OH yeah, the Geniva Convention I think it was after WWI That they wouldn't use gassing again because it was so horrible?
  15. I used to play Varsity my freshmen year.
  16. We fight a new enemy. They don't follow the Geneva Convention... Beheading the enemy is not sanctioned, yet that is what the Taliban fighters were most famous for....
    So, preach it all you want, we prepare for the worst but we do follow the Geneva Convention.

    Hope for the best but plan for the worst.
    oidking and margaritte like this.
  17. There's a big difference between tear gas and mustard or other nerve gases. Tear gas is unpleasant, but it's not going to kill you.
    MEINCRAVTA and Twitch1 like this.
  18. Those flowers are the same color as the title under your name. If I found a field like that, I'm not sure I'd ever want to leave.
    hayleycolgan and margaritte like this.
  19. I'm sorry.. but your profile picture = WINNING
    tjboy11 and NurseKilljoy like this.
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