Here we are then: Nowhere near finishing my next song, so this will have to do. (Fun fact, this was made using Garageband)
I'm using a program called LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio). It's similar to Garage Band, but it's completely free and probably has fewer features. Can I use it to create and enter a song?
Sure . Qnd just a note to anyone, if you take someone elses song an post saying it yours then you will be out of this contest and reported. Thanks everyone
I have a MIDI-compatible keyboard, an electric guitar, and a DMG-01 Nintendo Gameboy. I'm sure I can figure something out.
I made this on Garage Band just now. It's just a little demo to get idea out. I will play My Violin and share it with you guys .
Idk if this is really anything,, made it on a website called noteflight many years ago, basically the only time I ever used it, nice site though just not so much for playback.. sounds hecka midi. Anyways its a "remix" of sorts of a song I played in my high school band a few years ago. Made it in a day so don't expect anything wondrous, however it's a really neat idea for a contest and this is what I got.
Here goes nothing... .. songs not that great cuz i made it up right then and there as I was recording it.. so don't be too harsh on me!
Wow. You sir. Are advanced at that app! A-w-e-s-o-m-e What instrument is that? Looks neat ! The most Sassy song out there!