Stupidist ban reason

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by oidgod, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. I've only ever played EMC, thats it. Nothing else, So I've never been banned. :)
  2. You've never played any other game online?
  3. well, mainstream games yes, But EMC was the only MC server, and further more the only community run game server, I've played WoW, but thats not run by the community. Right? And even then I have never ever been banned, I adhere to the rules and regulations of all games and servers to a point of reason.
  4. A lot of online games that aren't mmos normally have player/community run servers.
  5. Geez, I don't want to go on that server!
  6. I don't really play online games in general actually. I played WoW til I got bored. Played a few facebook games (lol) a FPS called Combat Arms, and Minecraft (On EMC) that is basically the main things I've played, I've tried and played others but yea.
  7. Mine was when I was in a big group mining (on another server, not EMC), and I accidentally hit someone ("someone" being a moderator) and got banned for "PvP".
  8. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
    Darkwellor and KylieVonEngel like this.
  9. I know, horriblest game ever! I got to "butter bar" 2 and then quit xD
  10. Yeah I was a butter bar also.
  11. Well, doesn't it say in the rules that you can't ask to be a moderator... XD
  12. I once got banned from a vanilla server for 'Not killing a zombie' that killed the owner. I was at like 6000 blocks he was at spawn.
  13. Wonder if any1 got banned for joining a server...
  14. No you're not your pretty good one :)
  15. Everyone go to 10030 for very great deals even wal-mart can't beat his prices!
  16. /ban atomiccookies.
  17. LOL
  18. im telling mom on you and she's not going to be happy :)
  19. Before I bought minecraft I was playing on cracked servers, I joined to an hamachi server with 5 people and got banned.
  20. I logged onto a server, i look at my surroundings. I am disconnected from the server and my screen reads.

    The Banhammer has spoken!