That and a water bucket plus a red firework. I sometimes bring an enderchest, always bring a bed and a bunch of dirt. I bring a crafting table but i normally have no more than 2 stacks of carrots.
Ender chest, stack of iron blocks, stack of logs, 3 stacks of steak, 2 splash fire resist extended potions.
Half of stack of dirt, sword, multiple pickaxes, shovel, some food, torches, a water bucket, a few logs, a crafting table, furnace, bow and half stack of arrows.
i bring my enderchest, has a silk pick, mining pick(unb and eff), a sword, my armor, 4 stacks of food, a stack of wood logs, 64 coal, a crafting bench, a bucket of water, and a 2nd enderchest just in case edit: i stay out mining until i exhaust the wood and food.
I ALWAYS make sure that I bring a pick, a sward, torches, wood (or sticks), crafting table, and food.
I bring a Sword, Pick, Silk Pick, Shovel, Bucket of water, Enderchest, Food, and armour. That's all EDIT: Oops i forgot the crafting table
Full toolset, (excluding the hoe) water, food, blocks, (preferably cobble), workbench, furnace, torches, wood, coal, enderchest, and a silk touch pick.