Halloween Promo

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Unoski, Oct 17, 2013.


Good Idea?

Yuh 8 vote(s) 61.5%
Nu 4 vote(s) 30.8%
Who's JustinGuy? 1 vote(s) 7.7%
  1. thats what i was thinking, but a whole set and some cool enchantments and make it unrepairable (to add value)
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  2. And soulbound!
  3. yeah!
  4. Actually, this made me think of something (website related) ... i think it would be cool for the left and right side of the website to have little picture strips... during the holidays:

    christmas be snowy, ornamental - pictures of snow golems etc....
    halloween be dark eerie trees, bats, witches, skeletons, etc
    (maybe not minecraft related themes, but more of seasonal themes atleast)
  5. ;3 My secrets shall be kept, coz I haven't really heard anything else bout it except from the convo :p
    I think that instead of a promo or 'item' to be sold... Why not a new feature. Yea. That sounds better ;)