666th day on EMC - Win 100,000R

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Faithcaster3, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. I hope you don't get banned, because it's the evil number
    And if I win YAY
  2. If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?

    It will be 0 because anything times 0 is 0. Duh.
  3. If its zero Kelvin (It isn't. Trust me. It isn't.) that would be true. But lets say he meant 0 Celsius or 0 Fahrenheit. Then, to find how much half as cold would be, we only need to convert to Kelvin.
    0 Celsius is 273.15 Kelvin, and half of that is 136.575 Kelvin. Therefore, half as cold of 0 (if Celsius) is -136.575.
    0 Fahrenheit is 255.37 Kelvin, and half is 127.69. Therefore, half as cold of 0 (if Fahrenheit) is -229.84.
    Math. :p
    607 likes this.
  4. rain snow ball jumbo fish
  5. Lol, just what I was going to say:p
  6. Well, this is my 5th message. I came to say.. That I am at home sick and feeling awful. :(
  7. "Anything"
  8. #fourth post
  9. You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?
  10. First post and well. You remembered me about a very good old friend. We had him nicknamed 'po tah to' Kinda sounds like potato but it doesn't :p
  11. Post 4 more times!

  13. We now have 200 posts!