666th day on EMC - Win 100,000R

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Faithcaster3, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Looks like I have to post 4 more times on this thread
  2. will be changing pic soon
  3. Unicorns can become Presidents.
  4. 12 = 5x - 3 posts left including this one.

  5. ^ Truest Fact of All Time ^
  6. post #148
  7. Doesn't this count as like, extreme spam lol. Also the OP says only one post per account..
  8. That is why you should read all the pages first ;D
    607 and cddm95ace like this.
  9. Actually, a few pages ago Faith changed it to 5 posts per to finish this quicker and told everyone to spam.

    Also, (120-60)/30 posts left for me.
  10. But we don't have to post 5 times, or?
  11. So we have to post 5 times to be entered?
  12. I'm quite positive its just that you can post 5 times, not that you have to.

    And finally, this is my final post on this thread ^.^ Thanks caster
    Faithcaster likes this.
  13. CHatspam[yay]
  14. Cool Time!!! Im the King of 3th posting!
    DemonThunder345 likes this.