Err, the world today...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by mba2012, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. lol wooooow !
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. that must be a troll.. like WoW was the first ever MMO
  3. Oh dear, some people out there...

    Got to love Ferris Bueller :p
  4. Mega facepalm -.- (I'm on my phone so don't have a pic xD)
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  5. I think the saddest part was when someone said that other games didn't count as games because they didn't have monsters and crafting:
    "I mean, can you really call Pong a game? There isn't any crafting or monsters in it."

    Also this bit:
    "You can jump which is something that Nintendo obviously copied with Mario platformers. The first-person mode easily inspired many companies to create first-person shooters like Halo. Every Final FantasyRPG has stolen the elements of health points and equipment from Minecraft."

    I honestly couldn't believe that the second comment was genuine, but I fear the authenticity that is shown by the first.
  6. Originally written by Charles Babbage for his proposed Analytical Engine circa 1820's - I remember it well :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Wasn't that actually lady Ada Lovelace? :D
    Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
  8. I thought everyone knew about packman and mario (mario from back in the days... :D)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  9. Ever heard of the ARCADE, people?
  10. I remember playing Super Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3 on my NES when I was young. (3 was the best)
    This is a NES for those who don't know:

  11. Continuing the pony memes
    IDK what to say MLP.jpg
    And, of course,
    for the comments:
    dis gon b gud MLP.jpg
    PenguinDJ and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. facepalm.PNG
  13. I udderstand dis article cuz think abot it how could call of the duty be mad if no sugar cane farm exist in mindcraft because every body no that the gun were base of the nether slim noises in mindcraft

    *if jump in mc no exit, how do super madero sunshine??? do the car robbery in grand thif automatic happen if gravel not has gravity effect

    III. If ther was no pix axes how could master chief has Mohawk in halo

    forth raisin- if ther were no cookies how could Tetris has epic theme song

    The fith- if ocelot no climb on trezur chest how could kidney transplant happen in surgeon simulationer?.?

    This is my evidence tell me u opinion on dis matter notch lied 2 us he actually make game in 1821!!!
  14. no, it was invented in 1815 to celebrate the war of 1812's ending. Clearly. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Ops I did me mathematical calculator rong I forgot to put Pi instead I use 3.2482891947190028481010846562919472995618958264882617484617695772819957289469578392919694882929060927167661640872. Stevan hawk king recently cal me to tell me my mistake wen I out pie wrong in calculator I embarrassed
    Equinox_Boss likes this.