There is a Non-EMC client-side Mod for Giants mobs, like skele, creeper, spider, etc. I have not used it, but I saw it on YouTube. Yeah, giant creeper would grief way too much.
When they were first released I kept forgetting the name so I kept calling them Gigantor, Giganta, Humongor and any other word that basically meant giant.
I only saw this beast once, and that was the first time I saw it. I was actually brave enough to get close enough to see it's name...and that was a BIG mistake.
Indeed, but I can't fight it out, I have tonnes of valuable stuff on me, including several of my head and yours. So I posted again to let someone else have a chance. Also, look what else is there *shudders*
ME= Feel really bad for u... One of those things one shot me when I have protection 4 armor except for the boots which were protection 3