I'm not old enough to learn about BUILDING a computor, but I wouold love to learn how to code. Maybe soon you'll have another nerd in your ranks!
I built my first computer when I was 7.... I know the usual ones, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, JSON, XML, SQL, ASP, ASP.net, CURL, PERL, PHP, C, C++, JAVA.... and some other stuff I am too tired to remember right now. I build on average 20+ computers a day, from empty case to fully installed and working. Some would say I'm a nerd.
Didn't have much contact with Java although i'm probably gonna start learning it since its quite wanted knowledge on the market. But i did have quite a bit of work with C/C++ and you can do some amazing things in it but its somehow a serious pain in the a$$ to use it I remember building my first PC... Duron 600, 128 ram, Nvidia TNT 2, etc.. that pc was like top of the line (most common pc then was pentium 2 based)... about 3 years later i did some experimentation with creating vacuum in PC by putting all fans to draw out the air. (that was a nice puff of smoke XD )
Female geek alert! I know PHP and HTML, and love building computers. Other geekness is the fact I write, read, and maybe drawing and painting can be classed as geekness? Iunno. But yes, you are clearly not alone with all these responses! Haha.
I would say that's awesome. 20+, however, is a bit far out there unless you do it for a living, so I doubt it.
I built my first computer when i was 11 XD. It was a 8gb ram, Intel i7 2.8Ghertz Turbo, Nvidia Graphics card,320gb hard disk space. Not sure about the sound card. XD. Imma gonna get an Alienware this year end soon. XD
Ah ha my 13th birthday is coming up in a few days its on 14/11. Why do you think I play EMC? I did read the rules you know and Jawsomes. Is it supposed to be a capital A?
Back in the days before the flood, I used to be a computer operator (Honeywell mainly) graduating to a COBOL programmer and finally as a software engineer specializing in database and systems design. In those early days (for instance) a Honeywell 1200 had 64K memory (lol) and required 32KW to drive it and its peripherals and a further 32KW to drive the air conditioning to cool them! All this took up the space the size of a house!
Give me anything technical and I will figure it out. I was recruited for (NF), but failed to realize what an opportunity that truly was... My biggest issues lay in the fact that since most things I have taught myself out of necessity or pure interest, most of my technical knowledge skips the basics and that tends to hold me back.(the lone slacker) I can read code and can "code" in most languages if I'm determined with a specific goal, right now I'm not so much focusing on learning one or a few language as to learning as many as I can, Agnostic Programming(think Bruce Lee- straight to the punch and whatever works best for you at the moment...) I like to run my own home server(windows and linux) to extend my knowledge of Sys Administration. Besides these things I do on my own, this has allowed me to work for a few Companies, one of such I was hired as a purchasing agent(mas90/excel) which I formatted my own automation scripts for most of the job since the makers of Mas90 wanted like $5000USD for a simple modules to "import" simple data.(OVER 9000 product lines!!) ERP is where it's at if any of you are looking to make some easy bank in a computer science field. SALES SALES SALES!!! .... after I pretty much automated that role in the company I also took on responsibility of the Office servers/SysAdmin, Inventory, and Office Trainer. If I don't have to design it(and only cuz I'm the type to over think), I can handle anything technical given to me. ...this reminds me.... I need to redo my resume
What's a nerd? Lol C# and vb.net Dev here. I work for www.softwareearnings.com. If your check gets deposited into your bank, we probably wrote the software that scanned the image the bank sent to the national treasury and confirmed that the person who entered into the computer did it right and gave you (or took it out of your account to someone else, like your rent check...) the money. Your welcome...oh and when someone messes up, it's usually not our fault... Lol
Oh and no I can't deposit extra money into your account, they don't let me do mine so there's no way I'm doing yours!
I have no idea what you are talking about lol I know what Java is but everything else you're talking about.... No clue at all! lol