My school once got a Trojan Horse virus, known as Chess.EXE. It would infect any flashdrive or disk you put into the computers there, and, since they're on a shared network, any computer was unsafe.
This web browser extension is helpful in protecting yourself from online threats. Web Of Trust:
This happened to me and my protection wasn't powerful enough so broke my antivirus let virusus in unusable PC Luckly my dad knew what to do.
even if you get what you want off, there is a chance that those documents/files were infected. instead, shut off your computer and remove the battery and take it to a computer repair shop. DO NOT go to geek squad. someone is going to ask "why remove the battery?". well, with no power to your computer, the virus has absolutely no way of infecting more computers or progressing throughout your system. then, when/if the repair shop fixes your laptop, you can use those files/documents! Whoo! *pant*
geek quad has been proven to overcharge and create problems. my grandfather brought his brand new laptop, windows 8 equipped, UNUSED, to geek squad to test them. they said it had a virus and needed it's hard disk replaced. HECK NO.
Or, save yourself the £100 and the hassle of taking it to a computer repair shop and do the exact same thing they do, Download run and install Avast! and Malwarebytes and do a before-boot scan with Avast! (This is all they do) and this should get all the viruses.