I Dare You!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by wisepsn, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Dragonflame I dare you to mirror your avatar and change it to the mirrored versions :D
    607 likes this.
  2. I dare you to go back on smp 6 and sit in the corner for failing at my dare.
  3. How long must this be? *do not reply with dare
  4. 10 hours...
  5. I'm afraid I cannot do that *do not reply with dare

    2 hours was too long
  6. If I can do 5 hours on smp 2, you can do 10 on 6.
    Meaning, you owe meh.
  7. I geev u hi fiv

    But smp2 has more people statistically
  8. Exactly why I chose 6.
    6 is too lonely, I thought you could liven it up for people there ;3
  9. But there were no people to liven!
  10. Okay :p it actually looks good

    Attached Files:

  11. Nice :D
  12. Bump! *Do not reply with dare.*
  13. Maybe this thread has lost most of the fun, now it's 14 pages long. Also, people can't think of original dares anymore.
  14. Can I dare you 607?
  15. Yes, when you want:) I don't know if I'll do the dare, though, but I'll try in each case.
  16. 607, I dare you to set your spawn infront of a sign saying "Welcome to 608's res! Enjoy!" And keep it for one week :p Screenshot proof each day in a new spot for prooper proof :p Enjoy, not a big one just a small one :p
  17. I
    Lol, it costed me a big amount of time before I realised I could just put the sign at a nice spawn, at first I thought I had to put it on some weird place, but then people could not visit my shop anymore:p Is this good enough? It says Welcome to 608's res! Enjoy! Here you can:etc. 2013-07-22_13.13.37.png I will give you a dare in a minute or three Edit: I dare you to go to /v lucyabby and search for the sign I placed(you will know it's mine when you see it) Hint:It's not in the house where you spawn in front of, a trapdoor with access for everyone, with a button assesed to a green wool, is to find outside.
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  18. ok :p Yours is fine :p I will do my dare in a sec *Do not reply dare*
  19. Bump! *do not reply with dare*
  20. Bump! *do not reply with dare*