Forty seven good sir! If you had one account, and $30 would you buy an alt? Or a couple months of supportership
42 - no one's claimed The Answer yet? Gratz on 500 Buss Why do you think AMAs always get such weird, silly questions?
5. Yes. Definitely supportership since I have an alt EDIT: I would still get supportership! Everyone tries to be funny Sure BussGIL
Congrats on 500 days! 50 please! Does this count as a question? If not, what's your favorite emoticon?
41 pl0x Do you think snorty should be implemented?
I don't have any favorites Philadelphia Flyers Yeah it does! And my favorite one is the wink one Yeah!! I'd love to fight a fence post boss with an anvil head! SMP1 - Too many to count SMP2 - I don't go on there much SMP3 - Wild with Kells and Bunker SMP4 - Shops/Visiting big SMP4 Project SMP5 - Watching mob arena SMP6 - My homeland where I started SMP7 - I don't visit this one SMP8 - ^ SMP9 - Visiting shops