Buss 500 Days AMA & Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BussGIL, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Whatever floats your boat
    Ps- miss you guys
    BussGIL likes this.
  2. Hurry up and get back...
    Spiffiey likes this.
  3. Lucky 17 plzzz and congrats!!!
    BussGIL likes this.
  4. 32 please then,
    How long did it take to build the storage units?
    BussGIL likes this.
  5. I built the Storage Units in stages. I had the first 5 floors (the bigger ones) done after I had joined EMC on this account for about 6 days. I then decided to add on and build 4 more, as well as towers, which took about another 5 days. But, then the inside probably took another week or so. I also used about 5 DC's of White Wool (over 17,000 blocks of Wool).
    BuddaJulez likes this.
  6. There are still quite a few numbers left in this giveaway at your chance of winning 15,000r! All you have to do is post a number and a question :)
  7. 2
    How much do you earn per month in EMC?