Wildtim9, I dare you to build one dirt pillar, one sand pillar and one cobble pillar on your residence(at least 50 blocks high, but I should prefer y 64 to y 255)and then place lava on top of it. Please post a screenshot or record yourself building the last one/ placing lava on the last one.
I am Sir Omellete Face to you, Not this pathetic darksuperlord you seem to want to call me! *do not reply with dare
Brick, I would like to propose that both of us get a ten minute time to transfer anything over to our respective servers for today, and then we cannot switch
607, I dare you to go to each server and say in chat, "I love Justin Bieber And One Direction!! " And Dragon, I didn't have the guts to do what you dared me to do. You win, bravo
No, just no. I'm sorry, but I just can't stand untruth, not even if it's a joke. So, sorry, I won't. I hope you'll agree, cause I just can't tell lies(Now I think you can guess what I think about Justin Bieber/One Direction). Maybe you have another dare?
Hmmmm.... I dare you to start a group, invite multiple people (More than 3), and kick them out. Re-invite them, and kick them out. Do this 5 times
brick, I cant take it anymore im callin off your dare and my dare, unless you want to continue it in which case go ahead
Ok then I'll dare you to do something you will enjoy I dare you to do a pixel art on ur res of your favorite pony and then post a screenshot of it on here telling what pony it is
That's already been suggested and i suck at pixel art XD. And there are too many ponies to choose from, i can't decide! D: