Wouldn't it be awesome if we ha an emc party IRL somewhere, with most of the staff there, and hopefully a lot of players.. There could be door prizes: Vouchers for supportership Free rupee vouchers Etc. What do you think? I know it will probably never happen... And most players wouldn't/couldn't fly/drive to the meeting spot....
Sorry to double post, but... I've been wanting to go for a while, finally got the chance, because It' closer then it was last year.
I imagine someone trolling and taking a sheet of paper and writing/typing RUPEE VOUCHER or VAULT VOUCHER on it and handing it out. Minecon- I google mapped it and it says in current traffic it's a 9hr 30min drive for me xD.
i will likely have a finn hat on with a green backpack and blue shirt, ill make you a personal vault voucher if i sees u