The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. I died XD
    jacob5089 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. IcecreamCow is so mean.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  3. It's called friendship :)
  4. I know, it's just funny.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  5. How about the mob noise is:
    "Oh no you didn't!"
  6. I hope you can use custom sounds for this. If not, may I suggest "cat hiss" for ambient and "violin screech" upon death? Ghast sounds could also work.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  7. How come my addition is getting all this attention
    jacob5089 likes this.
  8. Stop being sassy and accept it.
  9. I'm sorry :oops:
    cddm95ace, jacob5089 and mba2012 like this.
  10. No, not really, a hate button could hurt people.
    supereskimo, mba2012 and jacob5089 like this.
  11. How could you tell Sassy Smooch to not be sassy? :confused:
    That's like telling a greifer to stop greifing, or a troller to stop trolling, or me to stop preaching!! :eek:
    AliceF3, 607 and jacob5089 like this.
  12. image.jpg
  13. Or me to stop YoYoing!
  14. Forgot to pay for mine... :oops:

    paid 100r for muh lateness :D
  15. Username: Darksuperlord
    How long have you been playing on EMC? as of 6/3-/13: 137 days
    What are you well-known for? Being helpful and messing with Cordial_pie (and inuyasha1204 if he is ever added)
    Aggressive or Passive? Passive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Cordial_Pie, zombies
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 1.5 hearts to the mobs above
    Breeding Item (If Passive) carrots
    Drop Item- almost broken stone hoe (1 in 10 chance) 0-3 carrots
    Health Count-12 hearts
    Sound of Living- creeper hiss
    Sound of Hurt-dog/wolf growl
    Sound of Death- Pig oink
    Spawn Egg colors: Blue (primary) Black (spots)
    Skin: skincache.com_water warrior.png
  16. So, what do Alex And Jack and AzHamster do? As they are new mobs XD
    Edit: Mods**
  17. Jack probably tosses hamsters and yells at Aikar that things are broken, Alex probably builds and rebuilds shops while riding his Kangaroo and AzHamster protects the hamsters Jack tosses.
  18. Now that, is the best stuff ever! I hope you get promoted to like the Prime Minister of the WORLD!
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  19. When I try to download this, the download doesn't work and I have to retry a few times to get it to work. Is that common with anyone else or is it just me?
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