The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Rule of 3: If you have 1 set of 3, and find that 2 parts of that set have been enhanced, almost 10% of the time the 3rd part has been enhanced.

    Marlix-Enraged Skeletons-Skeleton Boss
    Momentus-Enraged Zombies-Zombie Boss
    ???????-Lightning Creepers-Creeper Boss

    Who's with me?

    Plus, Aikar would've said something if we discovered everything there is to discover.
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. I'm not having any issues with them. I have been climbing up them to jump off a cliff to get skulls.
  3. Has any one been to the end since the update? I wonder if new stuff is there like a bomba eye of ender :p
  4. Ender-dragonlings :eek:
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  5. :eek: WERE ALL GUNNA DIE! lol
  6. Nope, the end is clean. So either it's a Nether Boss (besides nether hounds) or a Lightning Creeper boss. Or something else entirely.
  7. please don't let it be a giant spider boss
    please don't let it be a giant spider boss
    please don't let it be a giant spider boss
    I hate spiders
  8. But that'd be awesome :D
  9. Oh dear lord no...
  10. #nostalgia
  11. Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?
  12. This thread is now about giant spiders... :eek:
    mba2012 and Seffychan like this.
  13. #nope
    PandasEatRamen, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Spoilsport :(
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. Was I on the right track though? There's another boss we've missed?
  16. Don't mind him, he's just being a:

  17. I remember someone asking about the date of an official list. Was that answered yet?
  18. I doubt that there is a third boss.... How do you miss something that big with thousands of players looking for 2 days? Unless it's really well hidden. What I THINK I've found is that they tweaked Enchanting. Everything now costs only 5 levels to rename, and 1 level to repair with 1 material. But before it shows this, it flashes a much higher number. Not sure if this is new, but definitely something.
  19. FYI Reports are the spawn rates for enraged mobs/hounds are really low now due to my latest changes.

    However I am in the middle of a massive rearranging of code that has everything broken right now, so im not in a position to change anything..

    Let me know your thoughts on Enraged spawn rates and will tweak soon as I can where needed.
    mba2012 likes this.