Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. Just a note, Jumper is also a decent movie :p

    As everyone else has, i guess i will post. This is the only recent picture of me i 'kinda' like as all my photo's make me look drunk.
    (yes i have a shiny head, it was hot)

  2. -insert gondola music here-
  3. y u so pretty tho...
    melk73 and southpark347 like this.

  4. Here me for ya'll. I had this done about a month or two ago for my senior picture that I need to turn in next year.
  5. Does anyone even see the image? I can't see my image or any of my signature images either.
  6. If you're uploading from Imgur, get the direct URL not the image with formatting and text around it. :)
  7. grr I thought you had posted a pic... :mad:
  8. So, Melk wins?
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  9. All 7 boys except Shannon and spiffiey? They were female last time I checked
    Spiffiey likes this.
  10. margaritte and mba2012 like this.
  11. Sailing where specifically :D? That could be near where I live xD
  12. well, your not wrong....
    Eclipsys likes this.
  13. Meme compliment :)
    Thank you though
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  14. It was in Koudum.
  15. Hmm, it looks so familiar to the lake behind my house, but it isn't xD I live far away from Koudum
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  16. Jon* Snow, you know nothing Eclipsys!

    ... also, BEHOLD!
    PenguinDJ, jrm531, mba2012 and 11 others like this.
  17. That's what I meant...
    Now I feel obligated to post a picture...
  18. I did in the past 2 threads already, I havent made any new photos recently xD BUT, ill see if i can find some
    mba2012, southpark347 and jayshane like this.
  19. PHOTO_20130608_140548.jpg The person with the sunglasses on, is, in fact, me. Click the photo for the biggest picture known to man.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
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