Gratz Kev ! I've not seen you much I don't think. Then again I was on 7 and now 5. I only get on 2 to buy stuff. :/ I think I remember a parkour event and something you had for Krysyy and Moose. There was. It was held on Twitch TV and Mumble.
Alright, I need to bump now just so anyone that ends up seeing this, sees it before the poll closes in 1 hour Last minute votes... otherwise it seems the party is going to be held at 7pm eastern standard time. I will be posting a lot more 'party stuff' in the OP as soon as the time is set (residences, time zones, what we'll be doin) EDIT: Looks like someones alt voted for 3pm
Party information added! I hope to see you all there, and if you're in a time zone not listed, it is occurring in about 2 hours and 40 minutes!
Just a quick question, how many IcecreamCow heads will you be dropping? I'm hoping to get a few, or at least buy one for 60k #internaljoke/sarcasm
I just saw this post and I am sorry about the bump but I have something to say... How dare you kev for going around and posting such heartfelt and beautiful stories while I was busy moving and had no internet to get on and see it... You were the first one to sell me 500 stacks of wool and receive the prize at 4002. You helped me build part of the first TARDIS and later supported my insane decision to tear it down and rebuild it on 3004. You even helped manage the TARDIS for a short time. You helped build at the Blue Ribbon (even though i had to fix half of the things you built off-center). You are always willing to lend a hand or opinion with whatever my latest venture is. You are truly amazing and I am so glad that you are on EMC. Oh and our latest project together is gonna be amazing =) ~Krysyyjane9191